
The appartment is on the other side of the overpass. This is the walkway under it.

The appartment is on the other side of the overpass. This is the walkway under it.

Silvija's birthday (30th). Family only, i.e. kids, Boba without the girl (she was vacationing with her sister in Vienna again, sister being in tourism business and based there), Arpi in subdued mood, having worked all week (picking apples), and Višnja with her new boyfriend (!). The guy looks alright but hey the divorce isn't through yet, parading the guy around is a bit premature. And he doesn't seem to know what he got himself into. So Arpi left off somewhat earlier, obviously distressed and asking himself why did he come in the first place.

We didn't leave the last, but nearly so. Well, the guy, who regularly pours me yet another one, just left, didn't he? We'd usually walk it off, but this is the other end of town, about 6km, so we walked to downtown, enjoying the unseasonably warm weather, taking in sights - we rarely walk that side of town at night, actually didn't do so in years, so why not.

The pharmacy is behind the cafe's cage.

The pharmacy is behind the cafe's cage.

Jasmina's pharmacy shop is on sale (and she's working in another one, from retirement). The Bangro's building, where Avai once was, is an even worse house of ghosts than what I saw back in 14-IV-2013.. Sat and had a smoke at one of the new benches on the almost empty main square.

Took a cab from the other square, and guess who drove: Grne.

Mentions: 14-IV-2013., big photo walk, Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Avai, Bangro, Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Grne, Jasmina Vlajin, Silvija Umljanić, Višnja, in serbian