14-IV-2013.: big photo walk

Lena came from Belgrade in the morning, while we were still gradually waking up. Back hurts a bit at certain angle between slightly bent and upright, but now it's evenly spread across lower back, not concentrated over the same spot over the right kidney, as it was since that 05-III-2013. when I helped hoist that big machine from the van.

Had a long lunch, with two soups (vegetarian for Lena, of course), green peas, steaks, lettuce. Then she and I took it to my dad's, plus some of the winter young onions - only two plants, but almost a dozen stalks. This is the first time we have young onions so early in the season - because we left (mostly forgot) many roots of the onions we let grow into seeds. I was thinking, if this was so easy to have, why don't people do that? Well, maybe some do, but generally they take these first weeks of spring to hoe their gardens, which then kills all the plants that may have been dormant under the snow. Since we don't hoe at all... we'll also have the first potatoes. She has simply left the smaller ones in the ground, and missed a lot of bigger ones too, and they're already sprouting.

In the evening, Lena had a haircut scheduled for 18:00 and then it was moved to 19:00. It's supposed to take a whole hour, the guy is a perfectionist. I drove her there, and took the eos40 with me. Left the tele zoom at home and put my base lens on. Had a long walk around the buildings - not exactly Bagljaš, this is what's on this side of the railway. Made perhaps seventy shots, several of them being horizontal (and one vertical) series for stitching later. The ones around Bangro's building, where Avai was, were near perfect. Couldn't see whether our logo, done in stickers on the roof windows, still stood (later I found that there's not a single unbroken window in the whole building). The clouds were perfect, and organic too. It's third day in a row that there are no chemtrails at all. We do deserve some respite from this extra long winter.

Met Džole and Duda while walking. They're looking for a digital camera for their son (a priest, IIRC), and I thought of selling my old Fuji (... 10 words...) but wanted to consult family first. I recommended that he comes to the next meeting of DC-99 and see what's available. Speaking of the devil, twenty meters later I ran into Miško. Well of course, it's sunday 19:30, and whole Bagljaš is walking the same path, going downtown.

Spent the rest of the evening lightrooming and stitching the pictures.

Entrance to the new big marketplace. Built while we were away.

I'm standing about where grandfather's tavern once was. The white façade on the left holds the bicycle shop and the photo shop named after the nearby, now absent, movie theater. Between them, one café and Jasmina's pharmacy.

The green building around the middle is where mom used to work; upstairs is, nowadays, Baja's lawyering office.

Across from Bangro. The original location of that pharmacy was on the left end of this line.

This photo later featured on suština, titled „where did you find such a big puddle“.

Mentions: 05-III-2013., 26-X-2018., Avai, Bangro, DC-99, Duda, eos40, Jablan Škanata (Baja), Jasmina Vlajin, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Miško Lenđel, suština, Vesa Suvačarov (Džole), in serbian