Jasmina Vlajin

(Person, Yugoslavia)

One of the two straight-A students in IV5pp, and one of the three prospective pharmacists then. She went the whole run and graduated as a pharmacologist, worked in the state pharmacy a number of years and eventually started her own business. Good location, looks like she's doing fine.

For a while, the pharmacy was across the overpass from the offices of Avai, and I could see it from our windows in the attic, but never had the time nor remembered to drop by. Then she moved it halfway closer to centre, at the roundabout on the magistrala. Closed it after she retired, around 2017.

Mentions: 03-IV-1972., 01-XI-1973., 09-VI-1984., Ten years reunion, june 1989., 13-XII-1997., 04-II-2009., 04-VII-2009., 11-IX-2010., 13-VIII-2012., 15-IX-2012., 15-III-2013., 14-IV-2013., big photo walk, 14-IX-2013., 31-V-2014., 01-VI-2014., 16-X-2014., 29-VIII-2015., 03-IX-2016., 10-IX-2016., 09-IX-2017., 16-IX-2017., 05-III-2018., 25-V-2018., 26-X-2018., 10-XI-2018., 25-V-2019., 06-VIII-2019., 21-IX-2019., 01-VI-2020., 06-IX-2020., 12-IX-2020., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 18-IX-2021., The other annual party, 30-VIII-2022., 10-IX-2022., 09-IX-2023., Avai, Brata Avramov, IV5pp, in serbian