
David replied in the morning, said „ I have written a short note in Skype. We should talk. Today (Monday) ideally. Complicated by the fact, speaking for myself, of being in Doha today and at a client, nnnnn. Maybe around 11 AM/ Noon? I will be make myself available as best I can. “

I repplied „No. There's nothing you can do. Too late. Things have gone too far. I wasn't the only one complaining, but was perhaps the loudest. Now I don't see how you can put this humpty dumpty back together.
I won't be on skype either.
So long“

From Bruce:

Sorry to hear about your decision......I'm gonna miss having an adult to chat with around here. Hope to talk soon. Take care, enjoy some brandy.

From Jan

he, 09:20 -- Hey. I see you left all chats. Whats up?

me, 14:05 -- Since I can't retire, I quit.

he, 14:17 -- I think i understand were you are comming from. Can you tell me what needs to be carried over as a priority?

Take care, we will chat later when things settle down

That is, when he returns from Sweden.

Called Bajlo, then Dragana to spread the good news, but they didn't respond (she was at a hairdresser, phone in bag; he was around the village, not carrying). She called later, and so did he. Accidentally, I received both calls while being out in our beautiful backyard. She: "you did the right thing, look, I'm retired for four and a half now and I don't even remember that I ever worked". He: "never been busier, if the chores and errands keep piling at this speed, I'll live to be 95 before I catch some air".

Spent most of the day erasing stuff - all my logins from the browsers, from various shortcuts, from .conf files etc. The whole folder of bookmarks from the browser. Dropped databases, don't really need them, erased most of the backups. Kept a few smaller ones as samples. Kept all the code, though not the exactly current version, may be old a week or two, because I first uninstalled all the clients for various things - source control, VPN and whatnot. Moved my three pet projects (Byo is already under linux - so this is just the one to maintain sGradlj.com, the manual precursor to api_posetu.prg and GluGenije2, the probabilistic rubbish generator).

By the end of the next day, I had no windowses running. The only two things from m$ that I still run are fox (now under wine) and skype. For skype I'm still seeking a replacement, and initially wanted to stop using it - Go and Lena were already looking for alternatives - but then Nina said someting about staying my ground and not letting them push me out. So instead I just blocked the whole canadian Firriver except David , Bruce and Norman, whole UK office i.e. Suez, and the whole indian office except Das. Dutch office I left untouched, and of course Nick stays. Told him and Kees that their planned trip stays as it was, of course.

And the app to maintain sGradlj.com is now running under wine/Ubuntu and shut down under Windowses. So ZMYCHECK12W is dead, long live zmycheck12u (which is all zmajček, just it was a divided box until now).

Mentions: api_posetu.prg, Bruce Furlane, Byo (Byo), David Berton, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), Firriver Fertility (Firriver), fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Kees de Cock, Majkrosoft (m$), Mohandas Raj (Das), Nenad Bajlo (Bajlo), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nicolas O'Keefe (Nick), Norman Shen, sGradlj.com, Suez Lima, zmajček, in serbian