Inge Brandlicht

(Person, Netherlands)

A kind of secretary to Jan, but actually more than that - she does some serious SQL and knows a lot, just isn't a programmer in the strict sense of the word. Works part time at Firriver, thursdays off. Nice voice, always friendly and seems to enjoy the work.

Only in 2019 I heard from Kees that she doesn't need the work at all, her husband's rich, owns some production lines, her sons are college age, she just wants to do something useful with her time.

Mentions: 02-XI-2017., 27-III-2018., 19-IX-2018., 25-III-2022., 19-VI-2022., 11-I-2023., Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jan Brenkelen, Kees de Cock, in serbian