
Nina complained about her february invoice not being paid yet. This is what Ralph replied:

Ralph, 4:27 PM: Hi, February Invoice has been paid now so you should see that soon. However, there are issues that we need to deal with. Did you make David, myself or Briyesh aware of your two weeks off in February? Also typically contractors don't get "vacation time - time off whatever you want to call it" and I believe we are into 4+ weeks already this year as it is. I understand you had twins and they need to be taken care of. But that is a separate issue. When someone is on maternity leave they do not get paid. I understand you are choosing or would like to try and work through your maternity leave but then that means working and not time off. I dont think skype is the right place for this conversation so I propose we have a chat separately.

This raises several questions. When did the rules change and how were we notified of the change? She did have a birth four years ago and likewise came back to work within a couple of weeks and still got paid in full. When did we stop being Firriver and became “typically contractors”? Most of us (I guess) don’t even have contracts. This style of non-communication until she complained sounds so corporate.

Sentence “what’s your exit strategy” was heard already among the Firriver. Present lineup: 5,5 people in production (counting Inge as half production half support), 6,7 in support (with Geoff being the 0,2), management 5.

Mentions: Briyesh Dupta, David Berton, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Geoff Gearney, Inge Brandlicht, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ralph Rotnik, in serbian