
Inge asked about ClockWorker, which I know several people aren’t using. Now Ralph comes with “Everyone should be using ClockWorker. If you are not there will be consequences. So if anyone is having trouble please raise a ticket and we will get it fixed.”

me: I did, many months ago, and it got nowhere.

Ralph: This isn't optional. I am not arguing with you period. The expectation is you use it. Everyone else seems to use it with little issue.

Me: Likewise we have an obligation to enter our data at staff page and I don't see you there.

Ralph: Finance stuff is not for public display to the company dragan hence why I have my separate server that certain ppl have access to it.

Me: Did you even look at the place? It's just the list of staff and responsibilities. Not a single coin mentioned.

Ralph: So then I am. It sure what the issue is then. If ppl don't put there time into ClockWorker then it risks everyone's ability to get paid because then I cannot bill clients appropriately. I am not debating this, those are the consequences to the company. We have processes and protocols in place for a reason and we ask that everyone follows them.

Me: So I'll give it another try. If helpdesk is flooded with complaints, you asked for it. I expect the same level of support as what we provide to our clients.

Ralph: Thank you. Please make sure queries are legitimate and not just personal gripes.

Me: Same criteria as what our clients expect. Like being able to edit a record.

So… there will be consequences. I haven’t touched ClockWorker since february, and kept sending xls sheets instead for three months and then stopped even that. Nobody mentioned any consequences, just didn’t happen, not even a warning.

An hour later, I added: BTW, if ClockWorker is about our financial data, why doesn't it work without Gugao analytics? The liaison guy seems to be unaware, "I am unfamiliar with google analytics so I can't really address that". Google Analytics is your friendly spy, why do we use an app which is wide open to it?

Mentions: ClockWorker, Gugao, Inge Brandlicht, Ralph Rotnik, in serbian

22-X-2019 - 30-VI-2024