Jiang Wong

(Person, China)

A fertologist (or whatever they call the specialists for IVF), who used to work at SFBC for a number of years, before returning to China and starting a clinic of her own. A real scientist, if I ever saw one. Had a particular way of pronouncing - never two consonants in a row, always inserting a vowel in between, e.g. conosonanates.

Her new clinic is supposedly the first chinese client of Firriver, and she translated the app (using my translation form), but I wasn't really informed, had nothing to do with the installation, so maybe I misheard.

Mentions: 15-VII-2007., 31-VII-2007., 01-VIII-2007., 06-VIII-2007., 13-X-2007., 16-X-2007., 20-V-2008., 13-II-2009., 15-XII-2010., Firriver Fertility (Firriver), SFBC, translation, in serbian