
Yet another working day at SFBC. Seeing what I have on the screen of nezavisni, it seems I spent most of the time doing this graphical report on follicles through time during the cycle, i.e. tracking their number (separately left and right) day after day. Which means that the poor candidate pregnants have to do an ultrasound few times a week.

This being the last day, there was a bunch of things to plan, demonstrate, try, ... After hours we stayed in some of the rooms, with not even full lights, and had a long meeting. David, Jan, Nick, Jiang, the other doctor, the chief of staff (a grey eminence of the IVF in the city, knows everyone; she claims she's officially black but when she asked me to guess I said mostly arabic-turkic or thereabouts... weird eyes), and the cute korean girl who's on practice for some third party QA company.

At around 21:30 David realized we didn't eat anything since lunch, so he went out to buy something. The area being mostly japanese, he brought what he could find among the shops which were still open - some sushi, raw fish etc. With just chopsticks. Jiang, the korean girl and I ate it all. Others didn't know how to use chopsticks.

(but then on 31-VII-2007. there's a photo with David eating with chopsticks... WTF?)

Beatrice tried the phone number I gave but didn't get anything. That's supposed to be my skype number, but I was either at some meeting or the skype number simply didn't work. So we never met. There's also the matter of the hotel network, which would just disconnect us at times, probably labeling our room as too demanding.

In family email, we're planning the trip to Orlando. Go said she has only one spare bed, we wouldn't have anything to sleep on.

News from home - one is that I got lots of mail from Sima and David; the other that the squirrel was too fast, stole the bait and ran out. Two nights ago she put no bait, but last night she made some with cornflakes and peanut butter. Nina was at Ender's so she locked up only the key (not bolt) and just took a peek at the trap. Itwas closed, and one small rat was running on the fence top on the new neighbors' side. No miracle that the cage is closed and bait gone - these little beasts can slip between the bars. So she lay in her bed, thinking of what to do. In the morning she was surprised to see some movement in the squirrel trap, then saw a tiny snout, went out to check it out and ouch, it was a big fat rat. She wrote the email before the girls woke up, so the beast's fate would be decided later.

Much later I heard what it was - they wanted to take it for a ride somewhere and then let go. But by the time they got to the end of the street it got stuck in the bars of the cage and they had to kill it to take it out, or it died in the attempt. They dropped it off into a nearby dumpster.

Mentions: 31-VII-2007., Beatrice Palmieri, David Berton, David Krakovski, Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Jiang Wong, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), nezavisni, Nick Scage, SFBC, Simon Buchs (Sima), in serbian