(Place, tavern, firm, USA)

The big clinic in SF, much larger than just the fertility hospital. Firriver's important customer, sometimes catered to beyond the usual. Big, complicated, slow, and under serious security rules. Not that they were threatened by anything but usual small-time hacker attacks, but as the mores would have it, a huge security buraucracy was slapped on the operation, so we generally waste half of the time on them, and somehow manage to get the work done with the rest of the time.

They had a complicated network with two hundred servers with fucked up names, those three chars two digits two chars three digits and they all look alike so you never know where you are, and they had a screwed up security. The security which annoys everyone's balls, complicates life to everyone and shoves fear into the bones to little kid Pete only. I kept bitching about this or that when it took hundred years to do things remotely, at some point it forgets that the mouse button was pressed, so carrying files from one window to another to drop them there would like to dislike the operation and just quit... so after a while I cunted up sufficiently to shove the TotalCmd there.

And then they had a security audit. They asked us why was Foxit installed - well you asked us for the option to serve some reports in pdf, so we had to have a pdf viewer to check it from time to time. Ah okay right... and why was this, why was that. Nobody mentions TotalCmd at all.

Two months later, as they weren't satisfied with the audit, they hire another external team for once over, stricter this time. Plug all the holes, may no mouse pass. Same again, they ask about this and about that and nobody notices the TotalCmd. I think it's still there, somewhere below app's backup directory. I think it's still there, on third server, as they kept migrating the whole app tree.

So how come they never found it? I never installed it, so it's not in the registry. I just copied it and it worked, just like apps used to do long ago. Not in registry? It never existed, then.

Mentions: 10-IV-2007., 15-VII-2007., 31-VII-2007., 01-VIII-2007., 02-VIII-2007., 04-VIII-2007., 06-VIII-2007., 13-X-2007., 15-X-2007., 04-XI-2007., 13-II-2009., 02-VI-2009., 25-VII-2009., 21-VII-2010., 27-VII-2010., Johan!, 10-VIII-2010., 16-IX-2010., 05-X-2010., 13-X-2010., 03-XI-2010., 29-XI-2010., 15-XII-2010., 02-IX-2011., 09-IX-2011., 19-XII-2011., 02-II-2012., 06-II-2012., 15-I-2013., 02-IV-2014., 21-IV-2014., 06-XII-2016., Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jiang Wong, Nick Scage, Richard Fauntlerault, TotalCmd, in serbian