
(App, Canada)

Actually not a real app, it's a translator's form in Feds which I wrote some time in 2011 and then improved in 2012 for that demo in Sofia. All the time since then it was just a side utility - David's girlfriend used it to translate it into italian.

It became a project on its own only in 2018, when Ralph had the bright idea to create more translations and to contract resellers who'd cover the markets in these languages (chinese, portuguese and spanish). During my time in Firriver only one of these made a sale, and that's in chinese, and to a clinic made by Jiang, IOW an old customer and more or less an associate.

Mentions: 07-V-1994., 19-I-1995., 23-II-2009., 02-VI-2009., 16-VII-2009., 12-XI-2009., 26-I-2010., 27-VII-2010., Johan!, 05-VII-2018., 20-VIII-2018., New translation server, 22-VIII-2018., 17-IV-2019., 20-IV-2021., David Berton, Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jiang Wong, Ralph Rotnik, in serbian