
Still without a car. Snow falls on the old poozhoe. Rick is driving Go to college (community college, that is). We ran out of milk, so we two walked to Kroger, down Hidraulica (Hydraulic street, but "ulica" means "street", named so after Hydraulic lake, which was named after... someone got something wrong when the dam was built; there are no natural lakes in Virginia). By this time, we were almost two months without a car, and were quite in shape for almost a mile of walking (one way! another mile on the way back, and that other one was uphill), with knapsacks. We mastered the art of crossing all eight lanes of rte 29 (with a generous median), waiting for our moment on the lights.

We'd fit two or three galons of milk into our knapsacks, plus whatever else we needed. When we passed Sprint's building on the way back, we had a smoke break. There was still some snow around, and we saw a girl walking in just a mini skirt and slippers around it and on it (no socks - these Southerners think it's never cold enough).

The usual barrage of emails on the job, with the USquad and on aman didn't cease today either. I guess dad was with his pals in the vineyard, with a priest to sanctify the vines - it's st. Trivun, the vintner's protector. I figure they drank a lot.

Two days ago there was some snow. Doesn't stay long around here, but we managed to make a snowman (snowperson, in these PC days) the day before. By noon, it bent almost horizontal, just barely off the ground. We called it Ibn Snowwhite (the later in croatian, for that special smack of Alan Ford).

Mentions: Alan Ford, aman bre, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Rick Netter, USquad, in serbian