
Two days ago went to Springfield again. The standard runaround. The girls are getting used to the helical slide, good fun. Vesna tried to help, but they don't trust her, no contact.

Wrote the first version of api_posetu.prg, after it finally dawned on me that Statcounter must have an API. Sure enough it did, and it turned out to be something equally simple, in terms of json returned, as the hfea stuff I did in Firriver, except I didn't have to POST anything, it's all in the url. Tried to steal my old code but, alas, it was all left on one of the new servers, I didn't download any backups for myself. But then it was all so simple, that I did it all in one day.

In the afternoon we all got into the van and went to Trofej, a restaurant just a dozen kilometers south of town. It has a long tradition - and the new owners (probably third or fourth after the legendary founder) weren't up to it. The extremely long summer caught them by the surprise, so they reduced the number of staff. We also made a mistake of arriving around 16:20, right between lunch and dinner, and second mistake of ordering from the list of house specials, correctly assuming they'd have them ready. Except it was all tepid at best, almost cold, didn't even talk with mirko a bit, the čorba would be nice at at least 10°C higher. The ribs that Nina and I had weren't that bad, but we ate much better ones elsewhere; the fries were cold and limp, not crunchy at all. On top of it, the ham shanks (aka butkice) with horse radish sauce that she has ordered came without sauce. The worst part was that I had to hear her complaints over and over in the following week or two, as she'd bitch to anyone willing to listen. I also reported the case at burundi, there's no bad advertising.

Mentions: 06-XI-2012., api_posetu.prg, burundi, butkice, čorba, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), HFEA, mirko, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Springfield, Vesna, in serbian