
The first doček after The Return. At the house of Lena and Deks, with just Mire, Zorica, Baja and his wife. Perhaps one more couple - I intentionally didn't bring the Fujica because I counted on having another old member of DC-99 as host and organizer. We never saw any shots from that night, and I sort of remember they were made.

Our tales from the other side of the puddle weren't quite welcome, as the first person account often goes against ingrained ideas, even prejudice, so half of the time they didn't quite believe what we said, and the other half they thought it may be saw in whichever neck of the woods we lived, but can't be true generally. So many illusions to shatter, so little time.

The best part of the night was the long walk home, southwest to southeast of town, across a croissant (i.e. crescent, but everyone calls the two such bridges "kifla", i.e. croissant), with no main street to follow, but mostly paths in sidestreets and even fields. The snow was dry on the ground, refrozen a couple of times, cracking. The Gibson's orange-purple sky "the color of signalless TV" shone enough reflected light that we didn't really need the street lights, sparse at best in such streets.

Mentions: DC-99, doček, Fujica, Jablan Škanata (Baja), Jene Čokai (Deks), Lena Čontić, Milorad Škanata (Mire), Zorica Škanata, in serbian