
(Machine, Japan)

Fujitsu 9100 or 9600 camera (got different "names" for different markets, i.e. the marketing department fucked it up). The proper description is on the date it came, 19-VII-2007.. The nickname Fujica is the analogue to little Mujo - Mujica, pronounced foo-yi-tsa. Its ten times zoom was a miracle in that category, and the pics it made were extra sharp... on low ISO settings and wide angle. The more you zoom or the higher the setting, the more it shows its limitations. But hey, for about 300$ IIRC, it shot some 18000 photos of quite a good quality. Eventually gave it to Stanley, who never had much use for it.

There's also the little FX or EX or whatever, the pocket model that we bought for Lena in 2010.

Mentions: 19-VII-2007., 01-VIII-2007., 05-VIII-2007., 07-VIII-2007., 17-VIII-2007., To Orlando, 04-X-2007., 18-X-2007., 04-XI-2007., 01-XI-2008., 02-XI-2008., 22-XI-2008., 04-II-2009., 11-VII-2009., 11-I-2010., 26-I-2010., 14-III-2010., 20-III-2010., 01-VII-2010., 03-VII-2010., 04-VII-2010., 05-VII-2010., 08-VII-2010., 23-VII-2010., 16-VIII-2010., 10-IX-2010., 16-IX-2010., 20-IX-2010., 26-IX-2010., 19-XII-2010., 22-XII-2010., 27-XII-2010., 31-XII-2010., 08-I-2011., 31-I-2011., 25-III-2011., Grandparents, 27-III-2011., 01-V-2011., 21-VII-2011., 09-IX-2011., 21-IX-2011., 07-X-2011., 19-X-2011., 05-XI-2011., 19-XII-2011., 23-XII-2011., 11-I-2012., 06-II-2012., 04-III-2012., Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Stanley Berger, in serbian