
Didn't forget to experiment a little. That's someone holding the flash and shooting it when I said - and I kept exposure at full second. It worked.

Didn't forget to experiment a little. That's someone holding the flash and shooting it when I said - and I kept exposure at full second. It worked.

The very first august birthdays, in the little forest behind the gas charging plant. We had a few bottles of wine, some sausage and bread and that was all. I had Rudolf's bottle opener that I stole as a souvenier last year (and I think it's still somewhere in the house or in the old house, 45 years later). The personae dramatis are Dženk, Rudolf, Lajna, Tejka, Vanji (alone or not, don't remember, not on the pics), we two. There weren't too many pictures made, because I used the flash and the old regula for slides, and it had only a few left in the roll. In the morning I pulled out the praktika and shot a few aftermath pictures in dawn halflight. IOW, we stayed all night. We all got pretty drunk, so I don't remember who ended up with whom (and that probably wasn't the end) - if Vanji's girl was there, she may have been with Dženk (which did happen at some point, just not sure whether this night). Rudolf was in his car with Tejka for a while but dawned in a sleeping bag with Lajna. We were alternating wearing a knit winter cap, with a kink (can't remember the word in english, the fuzzy pom-pom like ball of yarn), in stark red and dark blue, with a pattern near the border. We had the domestic champaign, Fruškogorski biser, which we'd drink only on that night. The fire was ablaze and we had sausages on a stick (not franks, that doesn't count as a sausage, that's for kids, we had debrecina).

The pattern for this particular shape of crazy was set. We'd repeat this, in larger numbers, several times.

The morning came slowly. I just walked her home, it's not far; others left around three or four. When I walked back, Rudolf and Lajna were waking up in the bag. The scene was resembling an aftermath of a battle or film shooting. On this memorable photo Lajna is still trying to wake up, which rarely went easy with her, she'd usually be drowsy until noon on best of days. It also felt weird that the props were somewhat the same as last summer - this is Rudolf's camping table and chairs, and the bottle ex Toscanello which we used then to carry rosehip tea to the beach. Now I see there's a half liter of Manastirka - the flat flask. Didn't know those even existed. Brandy, and other stiff drinks, were either whole liters or 0,1 or 0,05 (aka grandchildren).

Mentions: august birthdays, Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), Melanija Merćep (Lajna), praktika, regula, Rudolf Ochsner, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian