
Mom's birthday.

At Firriver, the usual customer support stuff in the communal chat. Someone having speed issues, Das having a bit of a flood danger, Hana should look into a query for SFBC, to which she replies "@Das: There is a "Possible Duplicate Patients or Donors" report in the QD*."

I bought a new hammering drill, some german brand which became popular here, never heard of it before. Used it to put together the double bed for Lena - lots of screws to do so machine assisted screwing is welcome. Her room is yellow now. The big mattress fits exactly (of course it does, it's a standard double bed). We also bought stove, fridge and washer, some of it in the same shop, some two blocks away. It all arrived swiftly, they all got pickups and deliver by themselves. I wired the stove to three phase current, no problem, except the sheet metal in the back was cut and holed where needed but the edges weren't smoothed, so I had to take extra care to avoid wounds.

The credit union is bitching about my using the card, but who fucks them. This passed, here, I won't repeat it. I intentionally bought all this in one go, and now there's just a couple of grand left on the account. Doesn't matter anymore, let the amount sit just in case, if I need to pay for something over there. Here, one Cathy Posner writes „I am writing to you in reference to your debit card. You will not be able to use your card in Serbia because it’s a blocked country from OFAC. We are required by law to block all countries that are on the OFAC list. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.“

Yeah, right, and I've been to OFAC's site, and the only mention of Serbia was in 2006, when GWB signed an order to remove her from the list. Four years later these guys still haven't heard.

Dad came by, to see how are we doing. Chatted with Nina in the evening via skype.

We probably mounted our bed too, and didn't split for the night, finally slept at home. Didn't find any pillows yet, so we rolled up our jeans and slept on them. Blankets optional, it's exactly the kind of night to sleep without.

The next day we got some planks (they now deliver even for such small orders) and raised the floor in so-called Johan's room (the running joke is that the door between that pantry and the garage is Johan's door, from a XIX century comedy, where Jovan the servant was renamed into Johan, because the freshly rich widow wanted to be posh). The floor in that room was about 15cm lower than elsewhere, as it was where the tubes for the in-floor heating converged into the splitter, and more tubes went into the basement. So this podium just leveled it with the rest of the floors. Now by 15:30 the washer was in place, connected... to water, not power yet. We need to buy more extension cords.

At Firriver, more of the usual:

08:15:45 me

09:31:38 Suez - ** EMERGENCY ** Das, Feds has crashed at CKW, can you investigate and respond to Aya ASAP. Thanks

09:32:13 me - OK... my desktop machine is back in business, both monitors operational, all disks too. Now only to plug in the washing machine, stove, ceiling lamps, and to finish painting the main room... one more week's work, but I should be able to attend meetings and work a few hours each day. checked speed against NL and wiki servers, about 60% of what I used to have, but then I've seen 10x faster transfer against some other servers, so I don't know where's the bottleneck. Not bad as it is either.

09:43:24 Suez - FALSE ALARM - CKW Terminal Server has run out of HD space on the C drive - Remote users cannot connect to Feds. Their IT guys are onto it

09:48:45 Das - okay thanks. back at the desk due to traffic jam, so returned

09:48:52 Suez - np

09:55:21 Das @ALL: I am worried about the returned mail from info@Firriver.com to my Das@Firriver.com address. I also tried a test email but don't see it

10:01:07 Jan - let me take a look at it. Seems he is offline again

10:03:20 Suez - hmm, may have internet probs

10:03:59 Jan - He tried to call me, it rang once, but his phone is offline as well

10:05:13 Das - back :) had an electrical failure too, what a day. I had called because of it but it revived so I cut the call, sorry

10:08:48 Jan - Can't find anything in the mailserver. Maybe Hana knows better what is going one

10:10:34 Das - please send an email to my address from your walter address

10:11:29 Jan - I've tried it... but it even does not know Jan@Firriver.com... so something fishy going on on the mail server. I think either Norman or Hana need to take a look at it

10:12:32 Das - okay

12:00:23 Jan - @Hana, @Norman. See problems on the mail server. Jan@Firriver.com and Das@Firriver.com are bounced back

13:50:57 Jan - Did we have a meeting today? If not, I'd like to jump out of the office for an hour or so to buy some hardware

14:33:42 Hana - @Jan and Das: I just had a look at the "Unknown FR member" filter on the SmarterMail interface. I made a couple of changes to some values that seemed odd. (I'm not sure if anyone on the team had changed an couple of settings recently.)

14:35:32 Das - thanks

14:45:01 Jan - nope..

14:51:22 Norman - I have not made any changes to SmarterMail in the last couple of years, but did notice that around a month ago, there was a noticeable drop in the number of junk e-mails. Have any of the spam settings been changed?

14:51:49 Jan - Not by me...

14:53:06 Hana - And I haven't touched the filter configs either. Very strange...

14:54:20 Norman - Maybe they 'upgraded' to a new version, and some settings were not restored correctly.

14:58:30 Jan - Seems more likely. I've seen some changes in the interface recently


* Query Designer, exactly what it says, a form where parameters for a query are set, to get anything out of the database, upon which then reports are based, which are also editable there... powerful thing; I had something of the kind but quite rudimentary back in my old generator. Jan got this into a quite complex engine which churns them reports. Very little of it had to be done by hand. But he got it too complicated as well... I was putting it in order several times, refactored it as it were, and in the end it was simpler, but still not recommended to programmers with weaker nerves.

Mentions: Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Hana Burberry, Jan Brenkelen, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Norman Shen, SFBC, Suez Lima, in serbian

17-XII-2019 - 30-VI-2024