
Email from Janna about Greg and me going to NY to extend my visa, "no appointment needed, but arrive early". Also, in next email "When you get there, you will see a long line of people waiting outside. Those people are waiting for numbers. Try to go up to the guard at the front of the line and tell them you were told to go directly to Rm 8-100. Depending on the guard you may have a hard time getting in, but tell him anything so you don't have to wait in line as that could take a while."

Škrba reports that Napster is closing tonight. Then someone else on sezam posted this

Message to the Napster Community from Hank Barry, CEO:

As you know, the recording industry has sued Napster in order to shut us down. Wednesday in federal court, the judge issued an order that basically would have the effect of shutting down the Napster service as it currently exists.

We will appeal the judge's ruling to the Court of Appeals and will ask the Court of Appeals on Thursday morning to stay the judge's order during the appeal.

If we do not get a stay, then we have until midnight Friday to comply with the judge's order. Although we strongly and firmly disagree with the judge's decision, we will comply with that decision if it is not stayed.

The judge's ruling is essentially this: that one-to-one non-commercial file sharing violates the law.

We will fight this ruling in a variety of ways to keep the Napster community growing and strong. We will keep you informed and we will ask for your help. Please check our web site and our application for updates and what you can do.

We intend to see this through in every venue, in every court. We believe in Napster and we believe in the Napster community. Thank you for your support.

I wasn't on sezam at the time (actually skipped all the years after 1999, apart from a couple of years, see august 2005), so Škrba forwarded news from me - "sharing music with friends is not illegal, but Napster got you 20 million friends".

Go went to main street with a fellow student at community college, some girl from Gruzija (aka Georgia). It was raining and she got excellent pictures.

At work, it was a bit hectic. Felix was telling me to drop the people app and concentrate on more urgent issues, like getting the USquad gang to work on EONS import.

Mentions: EONS, Felix Goncour, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Greg Reubenthal, Janna Robinsen, sezam, USquad, in serbian