
On 7th we went to Szeged to get some cash off. Now that I have the account, Firriver was able to pay me the amounts held for previous months, so I now had about 10K€ there, and just wanted to have the cash at home. Justin Case is my friend.

We made a deal with the one cabbie of Horgoš, so we got off the bus right there, without going all the way to Subotica, and he appeared within five minutes. Then he drove us across and we scheduled a meeting some time after shops' closing time, to come an pick us.

Raised, in two parts, about 230$ in forints, from the VACU account. Still have some 2500$ there.

This time we came back on time to catch the bus from Subotica, and came home regularly.

Now this scene is something we didn't see in quite a while - the inventory of what we bought in a smuggling tour. Let's see - two wheels of cheese, four bags of pastry (nyolctojásos - eightegged - which means eight eggs per kg of it were mixed in), a proper csabai sausage, one quarter kilo of butter, two unidentified pieces of dry meat things (under enlargement, identified the left one as bacon), two liters of milk, four vials of essential oils (of amyris, chamomille, eucalyptus, unknown). And some cookies to munch.

Of course, in hungarian version of engrbian, the milk (brand or company) can't be called "peasant" or anything in hungarian. It's "Farmer".

Started working on teleforms for SFBC. It's yet another triper whereby they'd delegate the entry of medical records to patients or their doctors - anyone but the expensive staff. "Medical records" is an extremely silly and misleading name, but Feds is full of those, they were called progress notes later. They are actually questionnaires, but the word seems to be too long in english, so MR it is. This was supposed to be an external app, to which they'd just feed the questions and options for the answers, but I still think it came short of conditional questions (if q#32 is answered positive, then skip q#33 through #38, and other such logic). The patients will enter their questions there, then the app would send the answers to us, and then I'd import them. Sounds simple, but it's a fucking monster of mapping their stuff to our stuff. I eventually did get that done to a point where a test case worked. Then they gave up on the idea. Well, who gives a fuck, we're still making good money on them, and they are entitled to stupid whims like this. It's just my bad luck that it's usually me who gets to do this kind of chore.

Today just ran a bill of 39631 dinars at Filip's lumberyard - 3 m3 of 1" by 4m planks (varying width) for the roof, 4kg of 80mm nails, 11 rolls of tar paper, 8 jump tiles for the roof top, 300g of fine nails, plus some more lumber.

On 21st, pics from Nina - she and Ender have finished painting the kitchen/dining. Looks very yellow on the shots. The hall is the same sky blue as our old bedroom was.

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), engrbian, Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), SFBC, triper kombinacija, in serbian