
(Person, Yugoslavia)

A girl I met just a few times. Good looking the first time (june 1970), still good looking the second time (around 2010 and 2013). She was Lazar's cousin of sorts. Married, of all people, Džole. Their son is a priest.

We did see each other a few times while she was in gimnazija, either in the schoolyard or when she'd visit the club with Lazar. None of these encounters lasted more than a dozen minutes, so no wonder that I didn't remember any of that when I wrote the first paragraph here.

The long haired girl next to her is Bilja. I guess Lazar must have known her father, him being the school director in her village.

As they said in some movie, "life is weirder than shit".

Mentions: 28-VI-1970., 23-VIII-1970., 19-XII-1971., 08-III-1972., 23-IV-1972., 16-V-1972., 29-X-1973., 10-III-1974., 06-IX-2010., 14-IV-2013., big photo walk, Biljana Lajković (Bilja), gimnazija, Lazar Josin, Vesa Suvačarov (Džole), in serbian