
On sunday, 15th, shooting something for Bukac, about races. Good fun, dead tired.

Those races were held around the D1 novogradnja, i.e. Lesnina and the rest that were built few years ago. The path is a kilometer and a bit long, and that was enough to have six elbow curves and a 400m straight stretch with a fly-off bump in the middle of it, at Šanta, where the street crosses the bigger street (from Lesnina to downtown), which was paved with cobbles and its middle was some 20cm above its edges.

The guys were going nuts with their motorbikes, in each of the three categories (below 50 cubics, below 125 and above, though there were perhaps three or five of them in the latter, so it was removed, perhaps as of this year). The pistons were ground, special compression rings inserted, bosch spark plugs were sought, holes were drilled in the exhaust. The fuel was a story to itself, everyone had his own recipe jealously kept as secret, which would include ricinus and lin seed oil, ether, alcohol, kerosene. That special smell could be felt only there and then and nowhere else.

The preliminary races were held before noon, just to see which engines will make it through and for pole poisitions. After lunch they'd race for real, which would finish long before sunset - there simply wasn't enough light to race later. It was good fun altogether, and the chicks were parading in their best editions, and who know how many guys hit the jackpot and had all that messing with nuts and bolts pay off in the evening. The only ones who were pissed off were the tenants in those buildings - they had to suffer few hours of incredible noise and couldn't cross the street while it lasted.

Kick of the week: Gavra mocks Beštara for being mom's pet - prattles everything to his mom, where he was, what he caught... And told how he had to fatly goad him into escorting the girl, and she's all awaiting, "have to go now", "my bus is gone by now", and he doesn't budge. That's the guy who lifted a girl off me two years ago?

Branka and I appeared both on time, and went down the river to the disco, so we wouldn't freeze like cunts as we did the day before. Tejka and two other girls sat with us. They kept our chairs while I went to hand the hat (Pa šta onda didn't play, it was Omege's day, so I gave it to the deejay). Gavra was collecting cash for booze, but then kept bying beers. So the two of us went into a separate safari and by 21:45 had a bottle of wine open. By then only Gavra stayed, so we kept him company until half bottle, then left it to him. On the way to her place, told her about Višnja, before the movie, the movie, after the movie. And many other things. And then she explained a certain anatomy detail... aaah okay right.

Got up at 6 this morning, pre-class, biology. I can imagine how I looked. The crowd, of course, having fun on my expense, "wow what a good chick you got", specially Oli Boj was leeding the cheers. But then she got to be the heart of the party, when the historian picked her and squeezed her for all she was worth, I got a page full of notes, it was hilarious. And then he anounced that this was his last class, he's retiring, next class will be by a young girl.

Radoje took my notebook to check something, and found several submarine games, duly noted with dates. Checked whether we had maths on those dates. Sure enough, we have maths almost every day. Besides, if we played all those during his classes and he didn't notice - what's wrong?

After classes accidentally ran into Branka. First time to see her in daylight. Wasn't too disappointed, at least got the color of her eyes. Now that I think of it, I don't remember that she ever had makeup. We filled the time between shifts. Appointment for tomorrow night stays.

On tuesday (17th) we checked the knews on the historian, Troskok said the colleague was kidding. Turned out she was the last one to know what goes on. In the afternoon, just after I lunched, Bukac and Morava came, to go to develop that stuff. In the club we tried out some jeans from Trieste, then developed, barely made it on time, Branka was out at 18:20, five classes. Of course, dinner is out of the question. And what now, can't go to the club, someone suspected it was used as a crate so it's now sort of controlled, so let's go into the summer movie. We more warmed each others' hands and just bantered than anything else. I don't know what she meant with „wow look at that chick, really good one, go, run, cook her“. I guess she's bragging to herself. When we got to her place, it was still early, street too busy and... um, will we ever be alone in a warm place.

Wrote to Mačka in Zagreb and to Henk in Hengelo, asked him for his party program, for sociology. The political school should begin soon. We retired the heating oil area heater (aka naftarica), bought a gas heater, cathalytic. The one in the club works great, this one should be as good. The stereo will have to wait for some later time.

Thursday 19th, specially cold. Waited for her at gimnazija, then we went to the newly opened Trpeza to warm up, then I walked her home, met with her mom there, talked with her some. It's quite a problem when it's so cold, isn't so sweet. And then neighbor's husband got internal bleeding and her dad drove him to the hospital and we stayed alone, so she took me into the house a little. Said she'd fix her folks to allow her to stay longer. On the other hand, Gorica is renting a room, her village is 30km away, and that's often vacant, so...

Mentions: Branka, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), gimnazija, Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Gradivoj Jankić (Morava), Lesnina, Milovan Sebešćen (Beštara), novogradnja, Olivera Stojanović (Oli Boj), Radoje Maletin, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Šanta, Trpeza, Višnja Blagojević (Troskok), Višnja Lazin, in serbian