Morava (Gradivoj Jankić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Just a guy from DC-99, then best friend of Bukac. Short, kind of silly face, was already employed at the time. Most of the time I have to think what his name was, because we all knew him by the nickname - taken from a tavern, which was in one old square-yard houses, where he lived in one of the apartments in the back.

I think he was a metal worker, now whether he graduated MPSŠC all four years, or was just a KV (qualified) worker with just three, I never knew. Nor where he worked. Don't think I saw him after about 1974.

Mentions: 13-VI-1969., april 1971., 10-VIII-1971., 02-I-1972., 01-III-1972., 23-IV-1972., 27-V-1972., 16-X-1972., 09-XI-1972., 23-III-1973., 04-VII-1973., Hat club rides again, 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, 06-II-1974., DC-99, Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), MPSŠC, in serbian