
Made a few phone calls to classified ads yesterday and today, looking for a car to buy. Some guy with a renault 21 or so, with white leather seats, agreed it wouldn't be nice to use as a car to go to the garden in the village... so Stanley and I went to the other end of town, probably by cab, to see this guy who has a saxo. Stanley liked the car, okayed the purchase, and within three or four days we had everything ready. This day we just talked with the guy and eventually I gave him a 100€ down payment. The price he asked was 2400€; when, upon payment and keys, I asked whether there's any discount for all euros and all cash at once, no triper, the price went down to 2300.

Lived happily ever after. Ender had a few things to say about it, so we ordered new shock absorbers (which took two months to arrive, so I took it to Optima to get them installed), and I got new tires at that time too.

We found where johana had her kittens. This is the upper terrace, I made this shot through the attic window, not to disturb her.

Mentions: Donald, Ender Aquila (Ender), Johana, saxo, Stanley Berger, triper kombinacija, in serbian