
On 9th and today took the twins to Springfield. The two girls who work there as nannies started talking with us, as they liked the twins but couldn't find a way to communicate with them - they kept themselves to themselves. Turned out that the brunette was a granddaughter of our neighbor from across the street, two lots left from Faik's, who is a famous curmudgeon and has an appropriate nickname, derived from a stronger expression for frown. The other one was Vesna, who took interest in the girls simply by reliving her childhood - she has a twin brother.

Meanwhile, Go and Stanley have acquired a cat, huge black and white male, and Go was building a cardboard house for it, with what LED lights inside etc.

fes was at version 1.9.94 and I ran it several times today.

Mentions: Faik Rizvani, fes, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Springfield, Stanley Berger, Vesna, in serbian