
Yesterday Go finished the logotripe for FedsRx...

22:11: Go sent file "FedsRx-v1-Go.pdf"

22:12: Go: Here's a few versions. I inserted the new logo into the site screenshot where it should be, to see how it'll look in the reduced variant of it, and marked which colors were used and where they are from, so now they can pick what they like and I can combine the font with appropriate colors, or do more variations, just need to know in which direction to go. Should I send [it] to Bruce?

22:16:50 I:

yes, that's what I meant to say. I found among these some two which I really like (both esthetically and practically) but it's not my call but rather Bruce, Laura and to an extent David, so let them take a look. Just pass this to Bruce and let him manage further on.

On the belgian front... progress, zigzagging. The potluck stew with three versions of the six was most likely the last echo of the even weirder one we had in 2009, when we had at least as many versions of 5.3 and eventually didn't know what's where. I think we soon killed the excess copies, and experimented on our home boxes henceforth, without the vault. This time it was about the collection engine for the Belrap.

11:01:05 Jan: hey, after branching, the belengine13.prg in Feds6.0.0 branche is not share amongst the Feds6test and Feds6 and Feds5.3 folders in vault. Therefore your changes in belengine13 is not shared by the other folders. Can you correct this in vault ?

11:06:40 I: Actually the one in Feds6 is the authoritative... and that one is shared with 5.3. I think it's only 6.0 that's out of sync.

11:07:46 Jan: But you did your last change in Feds6.0.0. Can you make sure that they are all shared and updated to the latest?

11:14:40 I: this is vault on some weird mushrooms... it says [4.1.2016 11:03:38] Checking out file $/Feds5.3/source/Classes/belengine13.prg [4.1.2016 11:03:39] Checked out file $/Feds5.3/source/Classes/belengine13.prg [4.1.2016 13:21:05] Undoing check out of file $/Feds5.3/source/Classes/belengine13.prg, and then later [6.1.2016 10:07:32] Fetched $/Feds6/Source/Classes/belengine13.prg. but the one I have in 6 is the correct one, and I didn't even touch 6.0 in any way.

Few minutes of explanation which of the four versions is the authoritative one - neither, it's the fifth one, my local, which somehow didn't make it into the vault.

11:19:34 Jan: As long as you can fix it to be shared accross all three folders

11:20:29 I: sure... first, just like with every such vault glitch (we have one every year, I think), manually look at each version and see which one is correct. The only way to share what already existed in the target folder is to delete it there and then share.

11:33:04 I: So now we have belengine13 shared across all three.

20:11:59 I: both engine and the query checked in. takes about 75 seconds to collect 400 cycles on my machine.

20:40:58 Jan: that is good enough for me..

20:41:35 I: my SSD is still out of commission, but I do have 16G and an 8-core processor.

Laura came up with this image of how she envisions the patient's homepage, if it were done to contain everything that needs to be visible. These are the scrollable containers we bought from Genadij or whoever, and I wanted to do the same in html, and mostly did it already. This was supposed to be the final burn of it, now that I finally made her take a look at it. The code is already inside the exe anyway, it only takes to replace, in the translations table, the name of the class in charge of drawing the homepage. I did that on one test installation so she can take a look - she has to, she can't imagine.

She saw it and... this is it. She insists that the „patient story“ goes to the top, which won't work anywhere else, it's an SFBC specific report pulling data from their proprietary questionnaire, but no, she won't listen. As for it being on top - I already have a section selector in there, whereby users can pick which sections to show and in which order.

I did most of what she asked over the next three months. And then she just flatly said she didn't like it. Well... not the first nor the last time I spent weeks working on something that won't be used. I simply stopped mentioning that web version of the homepage, which is probably still a part of the project and can be activated at any time. Still nobody uses it, and almost nobody is aware that it exists.

Full set - soup, boiled meat, sauce, russian salad, roast, probably a česnica too.

Full set - soup, boiled meat, sauce, russian salad, roast, probably a česnica too.

The christmas lunch, drove dad here, had a brandy with him. Something's off with him, he's clumsy with his denture, the noodles drag over his beard and he doesn't even notice, doesn't feel. Well, it passed more or less fine, and when he was about to go, we saw he was wobbly in the knees and won't be able to walk to the cab and from the cab to his couch. So we stuffed him into the saxo and took him home, both of us supporting him as he walked. Had to.

Two days later, I went to bring him lunch, and barely managed to wake him up. Called home and she said to check what meds was he taking. I browse the heap, tell her what I found and she said „who knows how much of that lorazepam was he taking... dump it into the trash and go to pharmacy take melatonin, explain to him that it's not a sleeping pill but will instead get his sleeping back to normal over a few days“. I did so, and it passed the way she said.

Later we sherlocked out the course of events. He complained of insomnia. He had alarm clocks everywhere, to know when he lied and when he got up, such was his routine, he only kept forgetting to log his naps after lunch. And he was prone to, so sitting on the couch and lulled by brandy and TV, do a 3-4 hour nap. Not accounting for that, he noticed that he sleeps only 4-5 hours at night, so he complained to the doctor at the ambulanta (in the building of the community center at Lesnina). And she, just like that, prescribes lorazepam. Well fuckya. He, of course, paid no heed to how will the effect of it multiply with that of brandy, and there comes trouble.

It washed out of him within a few days, and he came back to his old self. Walked normally, with the stick, like before.

Mentions: Belrap, Bruce Furlane, David Berton, Feds, FedsRx, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jan Brenkelen, Laura O'Hare, Lesnina, saxo, SFBC, in serbian