
The whole first week of the year passes... so, neither smell nor stink. We're waiting for the snow, any day now. At least I caught an hour or two in the afternoon to chop those chunks of walnut. Which I even managed to finish. On eighth, when the snow finally fell, I was done - by seventh I even brought the chops, as many as I found place for, into the basement.

On third we were at Borko's, 62nd frendz parti took some older tutifruti again. While she was bying wine in Roda, Zina came by and we had a long chat. The evening was... so-so. Borko tried to convince her to give up on wine (which she regularly does, but wanted it this time), going all of „you don't have to drink this wine if you don't want to, I have this beer, that beer, other wines, no pressure no obligation, whatever you choose...“, because there was just the one bottle of the portugizer, the next bottles would be something else, which then she accepted out of raw spite, there, take the portugizer, may portugizer have fucked you (just „jebo te portugizer“ in serbian), I'm staying on brandy. Dragana was, this time, in better mood and drank more, though still not in her best edition. She had the bad luck, she forgot the džezva with eggs boiling on the hotplate, and it already began to stink, and she kept checking the bathroom, staircase, street, while looking for the source. Never remembered to check the kitchen, until the eggs exploded. Luckily, the paint on the walls is washable. Unluckily, the ceiling is not, so she scraped it with a razor blade all afternoon.

Girls invented strawberry ketchup. Someday they'll have to learn about pekmez.

On 9th the event was that five of us (we and three girls) walked to the supermarket at the corner. There's no snow on the road already, but there was on the grass. They made small snowballs, spoonful sized, and hit baba's back mostly, sometimes mine. All in all good fun and they also got somewhat tired.

Now two or three times a week, sometimes she sometimes I, ride (usually a bike) to Lidl to get patties. Or, rather, burgers, raw, this recipe lacks onion. Now both Raja and Violet eat them, and them being perishable within a few days (not best-by date, it's a bad-after date), so we buy a pack of four for each of remaining days. She roasts them in the sandwich maker. Sometimes they eat two in a row. Raja started growing, and that's in the torso - he's already got the legs, nothing short there. So he slowly begins to resemble his father by torso and me by legs, everyone of us by fingers. We all have long fingers.

The 63rd frendz parti was at our place on tenth. We didn't manage to find lamb at Lidl (the one pack they had was what nobody wanted), so instead she made roast shoulder (I wonder if that's what they named chuck, because the illustration is all beef...), on potatoes, carrot and whatnot, turned out excellent. We drank hare trišnja, classic again - two shots before dinner, then they went on with wine, we with brandy. Borko got stubborn on the question of what is life and what is not. Per him, the life begins with conception, but where was it before that? Well in the sperm and the egg. Nope, these are not alive. Had he said these aren't organisms per se, that would be acceptable for the sake of the argument*, but no. The dispute ended by me expressing how honored I am to sit with a guy who made children with dead spermatosoids.

Linda and specially Sanda invaded Dragana, they had to brag about this and that, what they made, what they drew, how multicolored nail polish they had. The photos were flimsy, didn't charge the batteries for the flash since september or so, they were nearly empty, shit all the way - two dark shots, two nearly white... the few that were good were made without the flash. I didn't post them.

On thiteenth Nina went to the dentist, to get their implants corked, to push the gums aside a bit, to have room when the crown sits. The bone already grew around the implants, so four little shots of anastazija (v. house dictionary) and some grinding was due. Will revisit on monday, to have the measurements taken, then a few more times, to get them implanted, then to take a mold for the next retainer, and finally to get that retainer when it's made. She needs to wear it at night, because her teeth got into habit of walking around these two years, now getting out of the habit is twice the trouble.

I didn't wait long - managed to drop by a farmacy to get ernafil (they didn't have ernafil smaller than 100mg, found my regular 4x50 in the other pharmacy nearby - and I heard that the 250mg also sells well... what are these people doing, I'm quite okay with the 50 that I cut in halves, 25mg is quite enough... and btw, I'm using it since april).

Fourteenth. It took me thirteen years between seeing this and now, and same number of years of chiding myself for not making my own shot of this warning sign in Walmart. Since I fucked the Gugao off and switched to duckling (duckduckgo), all of a sudden it manages to find it, and here it is. The same photo is referenced on 05-IV-2010., there's a valid context for it.


* or, arguably, for a pure argument with no sake whatsoever

Mentions: 05-IV-2010., Dragana Vitas (Dragana), frendz parti, Gugao, house dictionary, Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), pekmez, Ryu (Raja), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), Violet, Zina, in serbian