
For the needs of aman I translated some article by Pera Luković, then famous off-the-grid reporter. He's still famous, but his reputation went down as the years went on. As J.B. from the web team said „Evo maila koga je poslao Pera Lukovic danas - mislim da si sa ovim prevodom postao zvezda ;) Vlaja & moja malenkost smo se vratili jucer sa odmora i prevod nas je odusevio bas koliko i tekst :)“

And from the author himself:

..... koji, odusevljen web-stranom i prevodom, a posebno nazivom kolumne (Look-o-witch), ne moze da dodje k sebi, jedva cekajuci da vam krajem tjedna (ove nedelje) posalje novi text. Ponosan sam na vas!

Jedno mega-hvala.... i javite se!

Vas PL

PS. Prevodioca/prevodilicu (tko je osoba?) vodim na duuuugo picce....

Perfect Ten!

This later continued into some collaboration. There was another article from him for aman, then a couple of articles he wrote for some Mondo outfit (which I thought was London based, but maybe it was just a local website in english, perhaps for the people of the presses) for which he ordered translations from me. He still owes me 200 of something, DEM or were we getting ready for euros (or did euros come to be a year later?).

Zero is gradually moving to the new place. First there was a copy of the server. Ted was still running cables through the ceiling when Rick and I moved there, and then in a couple of weeks gradually the rest came.

Email from T.H. about the Hossy demo they did on Hawaii:

I got off the phone with Ford around 10 minutes ago. He got out of the demo around 5 our time. The report was very positive.

Gradivoj, there were NO crashes in the Old Hossy portion, I know you will be proud of that. The "Minefield" was successfully traversed, and the folks from the client side did not notice that there were mines in the ground. Congratulations!

And, thought the rest of you would like to hear that good news. =)

The „minefield“ was the name of the document I wrote about the potentially embarrasing bugs in Hossy that should be circumvented when demoing...

The task I got, while I was practically alone with the system, was to write a conversion from the old Hossy into the new one. Though I never did SQL server, I found some texts on the web on how to do it from fox but... no, I was told to use exclusively the COM objects they wrote for the „Borg engine“. Which I knew how to do but... ouch, it was so tedious. I had to instantiate such an object, then to tell it to create a new record, then to call loComObj.oRecordset.oRecord.WriteLastName("Peterson"), then loComObj.oRecordset.oRecord.WriteFirstName("Peter") then... the other 50 fields. Ouch. And then I ran that on a small set of perhaps thousand records, with some echo on the screen to see its progress. Well, not fast. Went out for a smoke break - downstairs, we're on 3rd (2nd european) floor, luckily we have an elevator. Came back, almost half done. Went for another.

This is so fucking slow.

Then I wanted to check what I did... and, ahem, while Frank strictly said that I shouldn't ever write directly into the SQL tables except through these marshalling objects, he never said anything about reading. So I wrote a simple „get me the records and show them“ three-liner in fox and ran it, and already started rolling a cigarette to take down and see the results when I get back. But it was over before I extracted one paper from the tozna. Wow. So fox can do these things at blazing speed... and why do we have to use this kind of bullshit?

Don't remember whether I told anyone about this, perhaps Rick. But the next day I was off the conversion. Seems I already knew too much.

Mentions: 31-III-2000., Allan Robin (Ford), aman bre, fox, Frank Shelby, Gradivoj Sredljević, Hossy, Rick Netter, Ted Gulding, tozna, Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian

19-IV-2022 - 30-VI-2024