
Couldn't talk with Nina last evening, the power went off. Then they tried to turn it on seven times, and it would just flash briefly and go off again. The fabled „cut your ears to patch your ass“ method at its best, running out of ears. So we just went to sleep. I stayed for a while, reading something on the decomp, while it held. Today's Ender's birthday.

Another trip to Čankovo. We'll have strawberries, a lot. And the tomatoes are growing like crazy - the total for this season will be almost 600kg. Few days ago I bought a pencil with „liquid fluid“ ink (unfortunately, the capital punishment for such stupid wording won't be introduced), and I spotted a binocular for just 800 dinars. So we sat under the big walnut, behind the left shed, had coffee and gazed around. The temperature went down to near 12, we were even shivering a bit.

Got the last 5l of milk from Lenka. They're ditching the cows, Imlek has lowered the price to ridiculous 30 dinars a liter, while selling at 60, and probably skimming it seriously and replacing the milk fat with margarine, like our local dairy plant did for years. So this was pretty much our last visit to them. If they ever remember to drop by, fine. If they remember the debt, also fine. If they don't, it's the same to us, we won't be ruined, it's just a matter of principle. And if their name ever comes up in a conversation with anyone, I'll freely mention the unpaid debt. We never swore to any secrecy.

At work, another belgian clinic is being converted, and they should go live in a few days. There's still a few minor points to polish in the conversion. Fingers crossed that we don't run into any new issues then. The permanent problem with the conversions is that we keep developing them based on the sample of the data that they supply, but then for the real one it almost always turns out that there's more shit in there than the sample had. So I prefer to have a full set in advance, to encounter all those oddball cases while I still have the time to handle them.

Next day took the long japanese lens and made a bunch of good shots around the garden. Jan was doing something on the dev server which was sucking all memory. I told him which processes to kill, and the memory consumption fell from 11.7 to 11 G, so at least I could work.

[2015/06/23 11:12:32] sGradlj - skip cycles which are not started, as no lab data can be entered in them. (this is for Lab). A long session with Das on WGHC, some lady was messing with something in cryo, „Put back into cryo, because of data entry error on thawing“ (5 times)... trying to make heads or tails of what she did. The cryo has a particular way of storing things, any item there has any number of records, and only the last record counts, the rest are history. Now how can there be a „data error“, beats me. Move from/to a nonexistent location? Didn't write down how we ended this, perhaps we didn't.

More work on HTML version of patient homepage. Made the number of sections variable and their order and inclusion variable and optional. For Belrap (belgian reporting agency), made sure dates are exported as yyyy-mm-dd so the bloody Excel (guess which Excel among the many) will understand them as dates. This time it was for shorter-than-year exports.

The three rescued hens are still in their tractor, i.e. movable housing. We still don't dare put them together with the rest of them. Two roosters, too. Later, when they grow a bit, we'll pass them to the neighbor to butcher them, and the soups will taste great.

Mentions: Belrap, Čankovo, decomp, Ender Aquila (Ender), Jan Brenkelen, Lab Intro, Lenka Dimijan, Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), sGradlj, in serbian