
Reworking rebfpt.prg for fox's new (well, not so new, this is two years since the 3.0, which nobody really used, I think we already had a 5.0) field types - namely, the binaries: the currency, datetime, integer, even the floating point. This was far more interesting than decyphering cobol's binary packed decimal, which is just stupid (but did the job it was made for), this is where I had to employ the knowledge from college, and to add more trick on top of that... and eventually got it working.

On seventh packaged the english version to upload to UA. Though, it's actually a trilingual (serbian, hungarian, english) one, plus I think it even has a set of strings for serbian juski. Because the beast was still around.

Generated a defg.prg for the Acc157 app for MXM, and a bunch of other metadata. Which means this is when I started working on that app. The next day it became serious - created the lookups for various app specific tables (cultures, materials etc) and their forms.

Then went on to work on HosTract. Even made it export a table into Excel, from Dos into Windows, and then to even launch Excel with it.

Busy days. And boy, were we crazy to do all these things.

Go is in Budva with a friend, on vacation.

Still trying to access UA by emailing replies to messages, and since my email is at sezam, it applies its own formatting, and somewhere along the way the line breaks get lost and the resulting message (still preserved in the same shape 25 years later, thanks to Alphonse) looks like this

> Thanks in advance. > > We've had such problems here in Yugoslavia in 1993, when we've had the 300,000% inflation _per month_. Hope this is not the case (I couldn't wish it to anyone, really). The workaround is really a hard one - you have to forget all the c=a+b and go for your functions instead, chopping the strings into millions or so, writing c=LongAdd(a,b), and function might look like this: Lpara cNum1, cNum2 maxl=max(len(cnum1), len(cnum2)) _step=6 && or whatever

Yup, I wrote this and can't read it. It was a mess. But that was the internet connection I had, and answering a message while online was akin to a luxury, to pissing away good money. Going online was like hunting or foraging, go in, pick what you need, get out, don't look around, the clock is ticking away the food for your kids. So, like a good old member of sezam, I tried to do everything possible offline, then go in, send what I had, take what I could, go out.

Technical news among oldwave: Boća found WinAmp...

Mentions: Acc157, Alphonse D'Alchembert, Božidar Sokolović (Boća), defg.prg, fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), HosTract, juski, MXM, oldwave, rebfpt.prg, sezam, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian

28-IV-2024 - 25-VI-2024