
(App, Yugoslavia)

Costing for agricultural cooperation. The enterprise (or a cooperative or whoever is in the middle) borrows the necessities (fuel, seeds, fertilizer, fodder) to the cooperants, and they will pay that off by delivering a certain amount of their product (corn, wheat, pigs, sunflower) at a set price. The app tracks these debts and their fulfillment, and keeps the value of everything in sync with the general ledger.

Not an easy task, because there are side relations - peasant A may pass some of his debt by tilling the fields of peasant B, while peasant B may deliver something else instead of what was contracted, so some exchange needs to be set (how many tons of corn for one hectar of plowing etc).

Mentions: 12-VI-1992., 13-I-1995., 15-I-1995., 19-I-1995., 30-I-1995., 06-II-1995., 24-IV-1995., 20-V-1995., 29-VI-1995., 17-VII-1995., 20-X-1995., 17-V-1996., 28-III-1997., 05-VII-1997., 09-II-1998., 09-VI-1998., 10-IX-1998., mlin, in serbian

13-XI-2019 - 29-XI-2019