
From my email to Greg (copied parts to Emmy:

Remember my additional papers I needed to submit for the visa, back then in February? They have returned.

The envelope is rather shattered, torn edges, repacked into a nylon bag fastened with scotch tape. The number here (on the Yugoslav PTT sticker) is R 1120995, sent 16.02.99 09h, charged 44.84 dinars. To the left of the address, there's a big stamp in red, with a hand pointing to the left and "UNCLAIMED" below it. There's a handwritten notice "3-4-99 ", with a paraph at the middle left, and in the lower right corner, just below the zip code, is another red stamp, like this:

NAME _________
1st Notice ______
2nd Notice ______
Return ________

The 2nd notice line has "MAR 13" stamped over in the same red ink, and the return line has 4-4-99 in a different handwriting. My conclusion to all this is that the documents made it to some US Post office, but were not delivered to your address. Instead, you were supposed to know they arrived and claim them at the post office. I just wander if you received any notice between, roughly, 21st of February and 3rd of March (or April).

I'll bring this with me, in the same state as I got it, to show you. Seems to be we had another eager patriot who took care my visa got diverted from its way just the same as these documents were not delivered.

Well, this sounds like the envelope did make it to A-burg, and then someone decided it shouldn't be delivered as is, but kept in the post office. Interesting, though, that it took it not more than two weeks to get there, and then took it more than two months to return...

Well, screw that, really. In regards of „my visa got diverted“, it seems that my visa was sent to the embassy, but never got there, or was misplaced after arrival. Now they're trying to get me a new one and send it themselves. Whichever administration makes an error, it's asking Murphy what to do with my case first...

[Later there'd be some word about my visa being already issued, to who knows whom, as in „someone was well connected with someone in the embassy in Budapest“]

Someone from oldwave was passing by these days, but we were without the phone for a few days, water in the manhole... just like our basement. So I missed a chance to get some more music to take along.

Mentions: 10-II-1999., Annenburg (A-burg), Greg Reubenthal, Meagan Marburg (Emmy), oldwave, in serbian

10-I-2024 - 29-VI-2024