
Go's failed purchase of speakers on the fair (15-V-1997.) got its epilogue on oldwave...

just brothers S. to explain... they sniggered like two petty devils when they saw what she bought, she can't forgive them to this day)

The said brothers use any occasion to laugh at anyone

Mind you, I wasn't complaining - she paid the tuition to watch out for what it says on the box and to read the small print too, and was lucky that I managed to get the money back. I didn't want to interfere just so, for pedagologistical reasons, let her learn to study before buying anything tech. Today you can't even buy a vukašin* for toilet until you thoroughly study the what and where and how, not to mention... c'mon, has anyone present here ever entered a shop and said „do you have some sound line, so a bit cheaper but quite good?“. I'd think we rather dug through the papers and asked around five times before dropping a coin.

Okay, did they sound awful to her, that they did, but they did the job for me - were they not such, the whole story would be waiting for me at home, when the small print on the box would be read.

BTW, the said piece of hardware (speakers around the monitor) got solved by stiffing out the old tapedeck and purchas of two transparent boxes for the freezer, circa liter and a half each, with dunkl teget** purple lids, in which I cut holes using a compass - it spills down a bit when I bludgeon it over eight, but it gets the job done and costs not. Anyway, no around the monitor speakers can give good sound - that kind of story begins when we switch to tens of liters, and then it won't fit around the monitor, and also shakes it, bre.

Crismas was the next day, guess we had roast and česnica, which I really don't remember... Granma held out for that much, and then dad and I got her into the trabant and drove her to hospital. She was taken in by dr Bakračev (don't know whether he's related to our neighbors, or accidentally has the same surname) and found her a bed.

(... 53 words...)


* the flusher... v. house dictionary

** teget = dark blue; dunkl - dark, from german Dunkel

Mentions: 15-V-1997., Bakračevi, Gorana Sredljević (Go), house dictionary, oldwave, trabant, in serbian

25-VI-2024 - 26-VI-2024