april 1999.

I'm thin with april material. The oldwave kept mum until fourteenth, not a single message. Then Kleks reported that he resumed transferring the CDs into mp3s, and that he redid a bunch of Claptons, this time in higher quality. Someone has already completed the Jethro Tull, but we can't find the guy, because he's in hiding to avoid being mobilized, old habit from seven-eight years ago, when about 90% of the male part of sezam nighted anywhere only not at home, not to be found. The guy said, later, „Until I see Marko and Šeki in the first fighting lines, I'll remain a traitor and defeatist“. (Marko is Sloba's son, Šeki iz Šešelj)

They did find Škrba and Boća, so both spent more than a month in uniform (the latter with white straps), not far from home, with intermittent forays home to have a shower and resupply.

On fourth another bridge in Novi went down. Joška had a job there, and got worried that the bridge at Žabalj might go down too, so he gave up on that job and we took him back into Avai. I don't remember which week was it, perhaps even before april, when I drove there to move Go home, as the university closed too. This is her desk there... I must have taken the fregata (could hardly be the lada, I somehow have the larger trunk in my mind). The desk is indestructible, it still looks like new some 25 years later.

On sezam someone summed up the status like this:

- The media (all of them) are completely closed for anyone outside of the ruling circle

- An absolute censorship was introduced, encompassing also the prohibition of appearance to anyone from the opposition parties or of oppositional persuasion

- SPS and JUL organize political rallies, where they promote their parties.

- On gatherings which are advertised as spontaneous, Slobodan Milošević and Socialist Party of Serbia are promoted.

- Without any legal basis and by means of police violence independent radio stations are being closed and taken over.

- The regime functionaries in the media lie and call for a lynch of the opposition parties.

- On gatherings held around Serbia, events are staged which implicitly call for lynch of opposition members (burning the flags of Democratic party or DPS, tied with american flag, on belgrade republic square - shown innumerable times on state television)

- Local functionaries of SPS and JUL, in the cities where they are not in power, pronounce lies and instigate hatred towards local authorities.

- Functionaries of ruling parties at all levels are not called into military service.

- All decisions on the state level are made by one man (optionally his wife as well).

Summa summarum: they use blood and devastation of the country to strengthen their own power and to take down the different thinking*, not shying away from classic criminal actions and endangering right to life.

Bojana concluded the talk with words: „I hope we'll hear each other again“. The guy laughed so heartily to that comment, that now I am positive that he KNEW they will not hear each other anymore.

The decisions to close B-92 and the like are not made overnight, and whether the user starc was familiar with it, he will reply the best himself.

The said starc was... ahem, I guess a colleagie, had a tenure on PMF, and was a house friend of sorts with Mira Marković, who also was a PhD of some kind. I first thought she must be from the literature, but instead nope, she held the sociology cathedra on the PMF... i.e. the oddball offtopic course for juniors, a little sinecure. And he was simultaneously a member of our Government of Civilization, and someone high in Vuk Drašković's SPO, so we had, to an extent, a source of information on both sides.

Bets were made on the closing of B92, not on whether they'll be closed or not, but on the date. They were blocked from broadcasting for various imaginary reasons even as early as the time of The Walk, among which was the legendary „water entered the coaxial cable“.

Koštunica was interviewed on RTS, guess they count him as harmless.

- why did the chicken cross the road?

Koštunica: we did not hear that it happened.

A ban on leaving the country for all conscriptable males between 18 and 60 years of age was introduced. I later learned that exit is actually possible, there's a way to simply walk out at one place which is not controlled (maybe that crossing at Đala), but then you've left without a stamp in the passport and practically marked yourself as a deserter, which then raises the question how to return afterwards.

On thirteenth, I guess the last fix in OTVORI.PRG, „fixed the bug when a tag in the table being open has the same name as the .cdx of a different table, it's open that cdx instead of using the tag“, i.e. it was using the name of the index as the filename of another table's index... when the programmer fucked up with naming. Under the same date there's a bunch of changes in some masks in Hossy, but there I don't know what was my doing and what of the guys in A-burg.

Some fisix shots from a protest rally downtown. There was even a „NATO pina füst“ (hun. cunt's smoke). On the shots, Zeta, a friend of hers, Silvija, Boba, their half-brother. Not they were let out from school, schools are not working anyway. These concerts began this months, there were „guardians of the bridges“ in Belgrade etc. Though, they did that in daylight, and we were being bombarded mostly at night. Someone wrote „relatives and friends abroad in unison pass the same stance, that Europeans consider us 100% crazy, that instead of running and compaining and whatnot, we dance and sing. The subtext being, more or less, that those cockroaches should be exterminated, if possible in any manner, or somehow distanced from the civilized world.“

That's when the passenger train on the bridge by Grdelica was hit. The first missile cut the electric lines so the train stopped, the second hit the train. And then they went for another pass because they didn't hit the bridge the first time. Someone else then claims there were two bombs altogether.

I got the visa approved on 20th (!) - thanks to the INS being completely independent from the rest of the government administration, it checks your paperwork and doesn't notice the rest of the universe.

On thirtieth, I touched ED_HELP.PRG a bit. It collects the data for genhlp, namely „(bombernoon) alert.prg for inserting gifs and welding them into html“.

In other news, m$ continues the mess with IE5 setup, there's a new version of the installer, now with no files missing in it... Someone even asks „But is the installation of new IE5 over the old IE5 painless?“.


* „istomišljenik“ - one that thinks the same; these are „neistomišljenici“. It's a word.

Mentions: alert.prg, Annenburg (A-burg), Avai, Božidar Sokolović (Boća), Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), fregata, genHlp, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Hossy, Joška Apro, lada, Majkrosoft (m$), Novi Sad, oldwave, Rozeta Gunaroši (Zeta), sezam, Silvija Umljanić, in serbian

28-VI-2024 - 29-VI-2024