
(App, Yugoslavia)

Part of GenerAll, consisted of several pieces of code, which would together build a help system. The main editor would go through menu.dbf and insert a help record for each of the records there. Then it would look for places where forms were launched, and insert a record for each field in the form, look up the fields in opisdbf (the data dictionary) and then insert whatever description it would find there. So the text entry was as automated as possible; then it was a matter of inserting what could be inserted, and finally completing what had to be typed by hand.

There was a generator which would pack the thing as a webpage, with frames - the left side being the navigation and the right one the meat. There were a bunch of internal links, seealsos etc.

Mentions: 08-V-1994., 17-IV-1995., 25-II-1996., 06-II-1997., 19-VIII-1998., GenerAll, in serbian
