
Commenting on oldwave, about what is m$ doing with programming tools:

Ha, and here they make programming into a huge machinery so that you can't even write a movie ticket checker without ten people (one to draw them buttons, one to write help, one to animate the buttons, one to draw those tiny icons for menus and toolbars, one to assure compliance with the visual guidelines, one to measure the temperature of the coffee, one to coordinate the look and feel, one to keep track what is where in registratura (was that Mažuranić or Ćipiko?)... did I forget anyone?... um yes, needs one more guy to drop by from time to time to write whatever the application was supposed to be doing).

Nina sent me an invitation (which is nowadays called an invite (!)) to Gugao to open a gmail account, which I did. I used, or actually re-used, the old nom de guerre I invented for the aman work, which is our last name, translated into english via hungarian. Almost nobody gets it, even if they speak both languages, until a hint is given.

We finished tiling the bathroom, and the crapper is also in place. Ready to be used.

I gave up on soulseek for file sharing (or file hamstering) and installed eMule instead.

On UA:

>I see... so it's not 'miss' as in Miss Universe as I thought.

You can't miss the universe... wherever you shoot, it jumps in front of the bullet.

Reminds me of an old Yugoslav movie:

"Did you ever shoot from a rifle?"

"At the weddings I did"

"And what were you shooting at?"

"The air"

"And did you hit the air?"

Mentions: aman bre, Gugao, Majkrosoft (m$), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), oldwave, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian

31-VIII-2011 - 2-VII-2024