
On UA, with Harry:

>>Ooooh... now the PC police will get me. Erase gym. It's a fitness club.

>And I thought you fled Yugo to escape them!

Hey, I'm not a refugee (though I do refuse a long list of things), ich bin ein Gastarbeiter.

But you're right... we probably had a respectable history of PC. You weren't supposed to say "teacher", it was a "lecturer of class curriculum"; not "peasant" but "individual agricultural manufacturer", not "belt" but "round-the-belly pantholder" (oops.. that last one was a joke).

Well, just one more among the things which are like a disease one carries from home. What can we do.

>Yes, I knew you weren't a refugee (we must have had your LIFE story on the UA by now! :-)

Probably... after 7391 messages in fox, and 2165 in Chatter (2166 if you count this one) - there's probably sufficient material to build a mosaic type of a biography. Or if I ever decide to bore the world with a carbiog... autobiography, the three main sources with clipboard ready material would be old emails, sezam BBS and UA. They all have better memory than I do.

(...and this is probably how this idea of a scattered autobiography started. Five years later, I'm still writing it.)(make that sixteen, by last check)

At Keymart. Buying milk, it's a bit cheaper there these months, and they have those peanuts, the ten or five pound package, roasted in shell, unsalted... though it did happen once or twice that they had only the salted version, and we just did about face and left, having bought nothing.

The milk got a bit more expensive these days, on a whim, not even seasonal, just like that. We cursed a bit, and some guy, black, a tad older than us, joined us, efortlessly flowing into a litany of how everything is getting so expensive, specially the edible oil, he really doesn't know how he and his wife will make ends meet. After a few more sentences we learned that he and wife earn around 140000$. Whoa. I make 60000, pay mortgage, had two daughters at college, luckily graduated already but not so long ago... and we don't complain, you do.

From an email, about mid-month:

Two saturdays ago we happened to be at Go and there was a word about rasejani. When she, neither five nor six, goes „does that pLazić ever speak up except when having something to brag about? That last time he succeeded in mentioning Hawaii only seven times in two sentences“... :)

Then I had to explain how he's actually good now, [compared to] what he once was.

Škrba responds:

Nu, he did calm down, a fact. He's even pleasant in company.

And by god, I remember those times. He broke over around when he married. Though then, if you see his missus... they two have together about three meters of height, it's easier to jump overt them than go around ((:*. The cute chubbies, they look exactly the right-right american type (:

Nina graduated this january or december, when the semester was over, and according to her custom from after high school, went home for a treat trip. Kudos to that, she finished it in seven semesters, and had some grant, a 100$ per semester, as worked out by one of her high school teachers, as an excellent student. So she's now having good time in the old neck of the woods, staying at times with my folks, sometimes at oma, at Zana, but mostly on Bežanija with Danilo.


* as a leftie, Škrba always writes his smileys from right to left, with left parentheses.

Mentions: Danilo, fox, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Harry McDouglas, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), oma, pLazić, rasejani, sezam, Suzana Injački (Zana), UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian