
First day at Firriver. James sent me a zip with just about everything, and I eventually got it to run the app. Of course, he's in Toronto and I'm in Virginia, but after five years of telecommuting I'm used to it. At least we're in the same timezone. First, of course, there was some confusion with the other James on UT, a guy with the same name but a different middle one... which he had to insert so they'd be distinguished.

At around 19:42 I managed to post my old evaluation app (which I did for Zero back in 1999-2001) just to show what and how can be done. I posted it in a subdirectory of sGradlj.com, and emailed the link to Jan and James. I don't know if they even looked at it. The thing in use (in whichever shape it was at the moment) got only patched and patched and somewhat reworked, but it never got really simplified.

21:46:07 James: Enjoy your new toy

21:46:41 Me: yeah right... I already notice the mess... 200 files in root directory, it almost looks like my desk.

21:47:01 Me: my desk is a mess... my disk is not.

21:47:46 James: And that's after I deleted about 200 before making the ZIP

21:48:12 Me: nice... I usually have a .\stuff directory for one-timers and other junk. I may just move anything that isn't in the project straight to there.

21:49:30 James: FYI, I've got David and Tim understanding (I think) that Jan needs to grow into being a "team programmer" but I don't think they have a clue how to get it done. Hey, a STUFF thing takes an extra 1.2 seconds. Young virile programmers simply don't have such time

21:51:17 Me: but they always have the time to scroll down a file list to find the file.

21:52:52 James: Well they don't usually need to do that. They go to cmd window and modi comm test1 and when that has something in it they close and repeat for test2, etc. Much more wasted time, but not seen as such I guess

21:53:49 Me: and then whoever builds the exe has to weed out the stuff... does this go into the project or not.

21:54:24 James : no, not into project. strictly the habits of a solo programmer, as I see it. In a group we then all pay a price.

Smart words... and over time I'll learn how right he was.

Exchanged some emails with Marinko about some guys at a local fox forum at home, where one guy was too full of himself. And yet another talk about how there are still many things which take about 15 times more code to write in C#.

Mentions: David Berton, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), fox, James Olsen, Jan Brenkelen, Marinko Protić, sGradlj.com, Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian