
Refounding of DC-99. Some new kids seem to be eager. Met a lot of old friends - Živa, Joška, Jablan, Tarča, Skule... and Furcula was there. He made only one remark, that there should be some membership fee. Someone immediately said "shut up, udbaš", but the proposal passed, to the tune of 1200 RSD a year. As expected, he never showed up again, except for the exhibition.

Miško was elected president of the club.

After the meeting, or rather the founding assembly, went with Joška and two more guys (who know me somehow, and I kind of remember one of them from back in the day) to the theatre, to the upstairs zelenozvono for a drink. Sure enough we made more shots, including Joška's play with... don't remember whether he had a remote or used a timer. Didn't see the photos he made, anyway. But it was nice to just sit with some guys and talk about photography, the way we did once upon a time.

Mentions: Borko Bošković (Furcula), Bosiljko Tarčul (Tarča), DC-99, Dušan Zlajin (Skule), Jablan Arsin, Joška Apro, Mića Brašin (Živa), Miško Lenđel, udbaš, zelenoZvono, in serbian

31-III-2018 - 16-VI-2024