Furcula (Borko Bošković)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

The evil ghost who seems to be involved in several things I was doing. As a youth, he was rather ugly, with overhanging nose and an underbite - he was the only guy who could make a cigarette touch his nose without extending the jaw and without any practice at all, he wasn't a smoker.

He insinuated himself into several places - he failed a year in gimnazija and yet was admitted to The Party because he was vocal ("why do only the A students get to become members, as if the others don't love this country" and such rhetorics, as the rumor had it). Then in 1972 he was all of a sudden a member of DC-99, where he sabotaged our collective plan to repaint the room in some pop colors (orange, pink and blotches of red were in it) and somehow got the money, painters and the keys to let them in, and before we were ready to proceed, he had the club painted in a drab pale greenish tone, rather depressing to all of us. At least we got the lower band of the wall, which was protected by 120cm high pressboard, all covered with photos, posters, and the lettering I painted for the credits of my first films.

He was also there when we were making The Gram, and one particular reason we made such a slam dunk with the third issue was that we intentionally kept him out of the loop on that one.

Then at the re-founding of DC-99 in 2012 he was there again, not bad looking, with the grey mustache, and he inserted the suggestion that there be a membership fee, at the rate of 1€ a month, payable annually. It was cut to 10€ a year, and made voluntary, but still it was his style - get in, do something against which the others can't do much (but won't like it) and then never come back.

There's a rumor that he was an udbaš, which would explain a lot. At this re-founding he was publicly called on it, but he didn't hear it, or pretended he didn't.

Mentions: 02-I-1972., 16-I-1972., 14-II-1972., 22-XII-1972., 29-I-1973., 23-III-1973., 01-IV-1973., Work action in Naftagas, 16-IV-1973., 06-V-1973., 04-IV-2012., DC-99, gimnazija, The Gram, udbaš, in serbian