
The network is the computer? maybe, but not the way one would think. Nowadays, it's "browser is your OS".

Just watching myself switching windows. Not. I'm switching tabs in my Firefox 3. Doing different things in them, I switch between tabs just as often as I alt-tab between various pieces of software that I run.

What's funny is that the old flame wars (zx spectrum vs Commodore, Amiga vs Atari, DOS vs Mac, Windows vs OS/2 - Mac - Linux, IE vs Netscape-Mozilla-Firefox, Java vs dotnet) have come down to this: most of anything you want to do is probably a Flash or Javascript thingy running in your browser window.

Playing? A little Flash game. News? Youtube - Flash. Coomunications? OK, that's Skype and email, which are still separate apps - but then I may have checked my email online. Reference search? No Encarta-like thing sitting on my disk, it's Wikipedia (which pretty much replaced the Gugao for most of the stuff, because of - guess what - no ads and nothing to sell).

Found this jalape... halapenjo in Kroger... and just noticed the name of the place: Buda. As in west side of Budapest :).

With David, Jan and George in a chat, mostly doing nothing, the office is actually closed. But this usually means a week of peace and quiet, when we can find the time to do things we never have the time for.

05:24:30 Jan: I know, it is nothing compared to what you north americans are used to, but it is unussuably cold up here. -6C, and we expect to be iceskating today or tomorrrow.

05:28:46 me: it was +18 yesterday :)

and not much worse today.

05:29:49 Jan: Ah... that is nice...

05:29:55 me: sure is :)
but still we had to cancel the visit to the new place in the hills - near freezing at night and most of the windows there are broken.
5:30 am and you can't wait for the crack of dawn to put on your skates?

05:33:07 Jan: I first have to see the ice... :)
It was not strong enough yesterday... it MIGHT be today
First time in 12 years...

05:37:27 me: just like all mushrooms are edible, some of them repeatedly, so is any ice walkable, sometimes for return too.

05:37:57 Jan: :)

And so there was no meeting today. Jan wanted to use his days, David had the accountant...

Mentions: David Berton, George Whiteley, Gugao, Jan Brenkelen, ZX Spectrum, in serbian

30-XII-2008 - 30-VI-2024