
In Hungary again, but this time privately, getting some job for Ileš done. He had some meter reading app (for gas or water or whatever, he said he already finished the cable billing) and it was to have a bit of code on psionorg, in its own language. We stayed until long, at his place (there was nobody home and he didn't have the keys so he climbed through the terrace). Some code, using the GenerAll, was written that day.

Too bad I didn't have a camera. The horizontal roof above the entrance to his building is a real botany conservatory, with fifty different plants, from simple lichens to some complicated models of ferns. Colors vary from pale green to dark rust. On that one square meter.

His apartment is a warehouse, there's too much furniture. They may be planning to move into a larger one or who knows, we barely waded through the daily room. The water heater runs gas, from the pipeline. I saw only such one before, in that house where I lived with Franci twenty years ago, but that one used a bottle, this is pipeline. And one feels the smell of gas much stronger than then, just like in the houses where it's used for cooking.

We went a bit to downtown, so I could call home, he bought me a phone card with some money on it, and with that I paid an international call from a street telephone. Lo the technological miracle, this is the first I saw that. The miracle was not in its existence, nor in my personal contact with it, it was that the cards were available at each kiosk and that each booth phone had a card reader, i.e. that the system was put in place in the short time of my absence.

Mentions: Franc Bauer (Franci), GenerAll, Ileš Notaroš, psionOrg, in serbian