
Yesterday there were several skype chats from Firriver addressing me, but hey I said I'm not working fridays until september so I decidedly ignored them for the whole weekend. Then a fresh message came and I kind of forgot about it, but she told me to take a look. We were almost leaving for the garden. It was from Nina

Nina, 09.56 Ender had a stroke
We're in hospital

me 09.56 when, how?
how is he?

Nina, 09.58
About an hour and a half ago. Can't talk nor type.
Came down the stairs on his own
His pressure was 230/160

me 10.00 someone called us from your skype an hour ago, but we heard only kids in distance
she says he may recover when they take his pressure off

Nina, 10.04 I called while we were waiting for emergency
Now I'm with the babies in the hospital in front of ER. Raja and Violet are at home with Cheryl.

me 10.05 Was just asking myself how did you distribute the children

Nina, 10.06 Uncle is on way here

me 10.09 We almost got ourselves going to the garden but now we'll wait.
At least I mowed around the house.

Nina, 10.10 Do you have any wisdom to present to me?

me 10.11 she is thinking...
did you hear anything from the doctors or still nobody came out?

Nina, 10.13
Those from the vehicle told me they were leaving
From these local ones still nothing.

me 10.14 ...still thinking...
did he get anything to lower his pressure

Nina, 10.16 Don't know
I think they gave him nothing in the van.
He had sent me a message from his bed that he feels strange and is confused. Did not take meds today. Later he sent two more messages which were without meaning. And then I went to him to see how he was. Cold fingers, shaking, can't speak.
He sat by the computer and tried to type but couldn't type it out. Nor remember the words.

me 10.20 But he understood what you said?
says that dad too once had so high a pressure and similar symptoms, emergency came, took down his pressure and he returned to normal

Nina, 10.22 He understood.
Drank water on his own.
Those in the van told me his right side is weak-

me 10.25 that's not immobile yet... maybe it isn't a stroke. nothing, wait to hear what it is. how are the babies?

Nina, 10.27 Now they came to give me to sign to them that they are allowed to do tests including CT scan.
Babies are fine.

me10.31 in adr njuz, I fixed both mowers.
On the quasi german the tongue on the switch lever was somewhat narrow so could slip: pulled on a rubber band to make it thicker and now it works. At least the switch works, the motor kind of kaputt.
On the slovenian one the cable kept falling out, so I tightened it with a rubber band, starts, goes.

Nina, 10.41 Now you can mow at ease.
How is Silvija

me 10.45 was in surgery yesterday. when we called uncle around seven the surgery was still in duration
didn't report anything since it lasted until ten evening
I hope the surgery went well.
we should have dropped by tonight when returning from garden
to leave to him the excess saplings of tomatoes

Nina, 11.15 Now I've been to Ender's. They are lowering his pressure. His pulse is around 140. He can't speak.
I left the babies to some girl and her mom to hold them.

me 11.16 His uncle is still not there?

Nina, 11.17 No, but he goes first home from work, to pick wife, then come here. May be few hours.

me 11.18 nothing left to do but wait

Nina, 11.22 yes

me 11.25 (seeing pics of the girl and her mom holding the twins) they sleep nicely
good that there's someone to help

Nina, 11.36 Random passers by.

Nina, 12.15 We still wait. They put Ender a catheter.

me 12.15 which catheter, to swallow?

Nina, 12.45 For peeing
They are looking for a place at ICU to take him in

Nina, 13.01 CVD bleeding
3000p per day for hospital stay
20000-30000p per day for medication
+ doctor fees

me 13.02 we'll pass to you
on paypal I still have around 1000, for further I'd need that swift/iban codes thingy

Nina, 13.25 We'll see how long he stays. Just went to see him. They did the CT. He's on oxygen. Still in ER.
Out of the blue like that. He was completely normal and relaxed this morning.
Says nothing hurts. He's just so dizzy.
Now they told me he breathes with difficulty and they will put tubes into his lungs.

me 13.36 holding our thumbs

Nina, 14.48 His uncle came with famly, so he translated. Says Ender has water in his lungs which they are pumping out now. They'll put him on ventilator. They first want to stabilize him before taking him to ICU. And it's not a brain hemorrhage, it's a clotted artery.

me 14.55 she explained stuff to me...

Nina, 15.06 His heart stopped beating :(

me 15.06 did it not

Nina, 15.12 :(

me 15.12 ?

Nina, 15.13 They didn't succeed reviving him
They tried epinefrin

me 15.15 wha... so at once

Nina, 15.15 at once

15.17 I have no text... what to say

Nina, 15.32 Died...

me 15.33 so sorry
, still can't believe

Nina, 15.34 Me neither.
He was well this morning.

me 15.34 how are you

Nina, 15.37 Lost
Can you come get me?
They won't let me into airplne with 4 kids

Nina 15.39 I'll try on monday to see about the visa or wait for you in istanbul

Nina, 15.40 Ok

me 15.47 should we send Lena to you? she'd be of more use, she's physically in full condition and her paperwork is neater than our two's. I'll report into our platoon chat...

A couple of minutes later, in the family chat, nicknamed „our platoon meeting“:

me 15.52 Ender died

Go, 15.53 wtf

me 15.54 Woke up normal, then complained some, then couldn't type nor speak. Ambulance, hospital, reanimation, didn't work.

Go, 15.55 woe god I'm so sorry...
how's Nina?

me 15:56 says she's lost... I gues she's still in the hospital with the babies

Go 15:57 and Silvija?

me 15.57 had surgery last night, when we called Arpi it was still going on

Lena, 15.59 I'm here
on the phone
what happened?

me 15.59 Ender died
She says they probly wouldn't let her on the plane alone with four kids. We thought we would wait for her in Istembul or maybe even Manilla. Need no visa if you're not leaving the airport. And then it came to our minds it would be better if you went, you're in better shape with both body and paperwork.

Lena 16:04 okay

Go, 16.04 Can we help somehow? If she needs money or anything

me 16.05 Someone should be in Manilla this week, or at least at the airport

Go, 16.06 she travels on 6th?

Lena, 16.06 6th of may

me 16.07 Nina has the tickets for 6th arrives on 7th.
Let's wait a bit while Nina catches a bit of breath... at the moment I don't even know where she is, still at the hospital or en route back to apartment

Go, 16.11 Anyone there to take care of her and the kids? Ender wider family I hope are at hand

Nina, 16.12 Slow down... The paperwork will strangle me here.
If birth certificates took two months, who knows how long will this take.
Ender's parents arrive tomorrow.

me 16.13 well pass that part to them

Nina 16.13 Fayes said she'll come with us to Serbia

me 16.14 Well good

Nina 16.14 don't know what to do

me 16.15 go home
is Sharleen notified?

Nina 16.16 yes I guess. Lito brought them food before coming here.

Go 16.17 and how are the kids

Nina 16.17 the babies are asleep, haven't heard from Raja or Violet few hours
they were okay when they got the food.

Go 16.19 and Sharleen is also on Philippines?

Nina 16.19 ;(
no, this Sharleen is the maid

Go 16.19 aha

Nina 16.22 and we should report to the embassy

me 16.24 won't the hospital do that by themselves?

Nina 16.24 We'll see how that goes
Perhaps the hospital will handle that.

me 16.25 perhaps his father will arrange transportation to Oceana for the funeral.

Nina 16.25 we'll cremate him here
I think it was his wish.

Lena, 16.27 Nina, I'm so sorry :(

Go, 14.42 we too :(

me 17.07 Silvija is staying 24h in intensive, just to make sure everything is ok

Nina, 18.37 Raja is taking it really hard :(

me 18.38 we thought he'd be the one to take it harder

Nina 18.38, we're home now. Violet understands nothing

me 18.38 We imagined it would be so. Though, once she does

Nina, 18.39 Yes :(
Raja found a sad song to listen to

me 18:40 ah well it is some way to express himself. Got anyone else around?

Nina 18.41 Sharleen is here with us

me 18.41 when is Fayes coming?

Nina 18.43 tomorrow afternoon I guess

me 18.43 at least she can help a bit.

Nina 18.48, Lito says we should return to the condo in the Victoria tower
To be closer to the family.

me 18.50 now for just these seven-eight days... as you will

Nina 19.19 need to pack everything

me 19.20 Yes, twice.
Go sleep

Nina 23:51 last night Raja said that he hopes Ender becomes a zombie

me 23.52 kids' imagination

Nina 23.53 Sharleen says that Violet said around 6 last night 'tata died'

me 23.54 children feel what's going on around them

Nina 23.55 that was before he really was dead

Go 23.55 Stanley says he yesterday had a premonition of incoming change and that we'll go to Serbie perhaps earlier

me 23.56 we're here and who come is well come

Nina 23.58 while I was pregnant and puked like insane, Violet once came up, rubbed my belly and said 'baby died'.... perhaps there were three?

me 23.58 hardly n
such is the telepathy between mothers and children

me 00:00 I remember as well some things I still can't explain to myself

Go 0.00 I know whan granny died, I was sitting on the deck and had this strong thought, but dis-thought it, and then Lena called right after that to tell

Nina 00.06 I don't have that sensitivity. I get surprised by everything.

me 00.08 Nina, did you sleep any?

Nina 00.09 I did
From 2 to 5

me 00.10 rain started here
we... drink. spill a bit on the floor from the first shot, as is the custom here
I'm rolling the phots

Go, 00.13 we have nothing alcoholic so we spilled some artichoke on the floor

Nina, 00.14 we spilled half-digested milk on the floor...

me 00.15 we all do as we are able, what one has
Nina, any of that apricot left? A swig would come well to you.

Nina 00.20 nope, I gave the whole bottle

Nina 00.27 Sharleen made me coffee

me 00.28 will come well to you
what you have in plan?

Nina 00.29 I'm waiting to hear what the family say what's next. they're supposed to come here today.
Fayes arrives on tuesday
Sharleen (sister) arrives today

me 00.31 we're all surprised, and so I guess is the family
Arpi cursed when he heard the news

Nina 00.33 I don't know what to do. I'll see how the paperwork goes, we can probably delay the tickets as this is a death causing it
I'd rather not delay

me 00.34 I hope this goes faster than the birth certificates

Later we heard how Raja explained this to himself: „Tata died, didn't pass the level, didn't beat the boss. Game over.“.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Ender Aquila (Ender), Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Rosanda Aquilla (Fayes), Ryu (Raja), Silvija Umljanić, Stanley Berger, Violet, in serbian