
In the morning I still re-generated most of the screens in the payroll app, a new indexer routine etc. Just to leave it clean, I guess, some housekeeping. Meanwhile, within the hour, Brlja was doing the same for assets for some big farm customer at home... Funny though, the language setting in the generator was different, so the comments on my side were generated as

GenerAll F:\FPD26\PRC\OPISFMM4.PRG v.4.10a FoxPro 2.6 (X)
96.02.07 13:06:21 80486
A képernyő fő programja
Hivja az Unosc.prg vezerlő programot
Ablak definiciók, változó deklarációk
indulo értékek tabv() tömbre
Adatbázisok megnyítása
Szelektál a fő bázist, rajzol a képernyőt
indulo értékek tabv() tömbre
Induló értékek
m. és _n váltózoknak és InitialVal meghívása

while on his side the same thing came as

GenerAll C:\COMP\FPD26\PRC\OPISFMM4.PRG v.4.10a FoxPro 2.6 (X)
07.02.96 14:04:33 80486
Glavni program za masku
Poziva program Unosc.prg da vozi masku
Definicije prozora, postavljanje parametara i promenljivih
Popunjava niz _tabv()
Otvaranje tabela
Selektuje glavni alias maske i ispisuje SAY tekst
Popunjava niz _tabv()
Popunjava m. i _n promenljive početnim vrednostima

Even the date format is the hungarian (aka ANSI) yy-mm-dd up there and dd-mm-yy down here. I see I still wasn't enforcing full year everywhere, even though the century end was coming near.

Time to settle the bet with Mihály. This time we gathered in the CEO room (former summer kitchen in the shed building... funny how something that's nearly a doghouse gets up in style when you just give it some paint, carpets, lights and computers). He began his speech several times with "surely you will agree with me when I say that..." which we let pass a few times, but surprisingly it was Vanji, who was on the management side on principle (and actually counted himself as one of them), who broke the spell with "no I would not agree with that, because it was..." and basically called him on his bluff.

In short: I lost the bet on a technicality, namely on "but other stuff must run smoothly meanwhile" and the definition of "smoothly" was in Mihály's hands. Well, money was. He claimed that the PolC didn't run smoothly all the time - by which he probably meant that one workstation had a technical pause of almost two hours during these two months. That they switched seamlessly from ICD revision IX to revision X while I wasn't even there, that they could switch to old list for cases opened before the switch date... that didn't count at all. He probably never meant to pay. Maybe the money didn't even exist.

I took two weeks off to just recuperate from the effort, and said I'll come back for two more weeks and then we'd see. Turned out I didn't. This was my last stay in Gemenc.

Mentions: assets app, Gemenc, Goran Staković (Brlja), Mihály Weisz, payroll, PolC, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian