
(App, Yugoslavia)

The app that nobody liked to do, but somebody had to. In stour's erc, I was lucky to get the stock management, and later the main ledger, not this. And it was already written by the time I got there, so even when we had that tezga at the hospital, it wasn't in my care.

At DBA, it was the first clear case that showed what a dead end it is. Once you start doing payroll, you'll do them until you retire. Almost every month there is some change in the way it's calculated - if not internally, then from the regulatory side. It's either the taxes, or self-contribution* (literally translated), or some solidarity payment, or the limits to the max amount, or the way loans are deduced etc etc. And then it multiplied when there were workers living or were employed in several municipalities - their local self-contributions would belong to their cities, municipalities, villages or local communities, to the point when the left side of Čurda had one that the right didn't have, or what whole city had, to finance the construction of the new hospital.

On top of that, the consumer loans, provided by banks or sellers, would be repaid through the payroll. It wasn't left to the customer to pay (perhaps it was, in some rare cases, an option). A copy of the contract would go to the salary department and they'd arrange the payments, i.e. would print a virman every month and pay it along with the rest of the above, and would deduce that much from the net salary (yup, what you'd call „after tax“ is the regular way of expressing the salary here). It was reported as „administrative prohibition“ (!).

There's a legendary case of someone, in KuPro, having written a whole payroll app in Lotus 1-2-3, around 1988.

According to a programmers' legend here, we're the screwed country where it gets so screwy, because the rules change month to month, while in the west there are off the shelf apps that you just install and they run for years. Then Beatrice comes in with „here nobody likes to do payroll because rules change all the time“ and kills a legend.

Mentions: 19-IV-1988., 11-II-1989., Interest, as per bank, 20-IV-1989., 13-IV-1990., 30-XI-1994., 03-I-1995., 17-IV-1995., 17-VII-1995., 27-VII-1995., 23-VIII-1995., 20-XII-1995., 11-I-1996., 06-II-1996., 07-II-1996., 02-IX-1996., 09-III-2000., 09-VI-2001., 09-IX-2001., 31-I-2020., Brata Avramov, erc, klaanca, Ledinje, stour, virman, Zingermann, in serbian