

TW: One term that I greatly dislike is "do you know what I mean"? It has been popular from the late 1960's and began with the LSD crowd. I always tell people that use that term, "no please explain what you mean". I hate guessing about what others may be thinking or mean.

I: Just at about the same time, another one was popular - "never mean what they say, never say what they mean" :)

The schoolyear started, Lena feels all important. She was bored the whole summer, the only entertainment being the swimming pool and the TV. She already got some homework and started doing it immediately.

Rick appeared yesterday, his sister was moving from North Carolina to Fredericksburg (half an hour from here), and he used some bonus, frequent flier miles or whatever, so he gathered some of the old gang from Zero, had a beer in a restaurant just across the street from the old office, heard some news. Greg was seen driving his wife's restaurant van, and Ford (his son was present) is some kind of technical coordinator in some institution where they teach invalids to work on computers. USquad was not mentioned.

Berix is putting my paperwork together for the Syracuse guys (and sent a bundle of it to me the other evening to check), because if we waited for them it would take weeks. Not that she's eager to get rid of me, it's that they're idiots (her words). Work related emails going back and forth all day - the stuff not appearing where it should, button to delete an article has no place where we can put it... the usual.

Zyanna has a new band!

From Ricardo:

I heard that Lena needed a computer. I got a system that is good to go if you want It. The parts:

ATX Case w/250 W power supply; 15" Monitor; Aopen AX-59 Pro MB; Pentium 250 MHz chip; 64 mb of memory; IDE/power cables. ; CD-ROM

Problems: You may need to add more memory and a hard drive. I was using this setup w/ the pentium 1 250 with Windows 2000 for a year and it ran fine. The motherboard can take up to a AMD K6-III 400 MHz which are cheap and give you P III performance. I don't know if I have an extra floppy but who uses that anyways.

The monitor I will have next week after I come back from Woodbridge.

Asked Nina how does she like the classes, is that serious enough?

"Serious? How serious can it be if history professor won't continue the class until at least one of the students tells him he's an asshole?".

Mentions: Allan Robin (Ford), Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), Greg Reubenthal, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ricardo Manuel Bariero (Ricardo), Rick Netter, UbiquAgora (UA), USquad, Zero Distance (Zero), Zyanna, in serbian