
Ender likes to take the new Matrix for a spin, specially when Eleese is here - Nina's coupe isn't exactly fit to drive a little kid, with somewhat complicated access to the rear seat.

Spent all afternoon downloading my old messages from UA, starting from april 1997... got as far as february 2001, not bad. I didn't write much in 2000 because we had only dial-up at home, and at work I was, well, at work and had a lot to do. Funny though, how it turns out that what I thought I wrote only recently, I actually did in the last century. Good addition of materiel for Byo.

Talked with Go in the evening, she more or less okayed our move. She found an interesting guy, who makes movies or at least organizes stuff around them, and he's interested in her work - to make their movie poster. He's equally Brazilian, Hungarian, Austrian and Chinese... saw a blurred image of him (her webcam usually focuses better than this) and he is as advertised.

Time to tell my parents. As usual, I'd much more prefer to not prepare the spit while the rabbit's still in the forest, it's so much easier not to tell them anything than to have to console them if the plan fails, but this was plan B anyway, and we're now already mentally travelling home. I caught myself making plans what to do when we get there - get Internet connection, fix the leak under the bathtub, or remodel the bathroom altogether, replace the toilet seat with something American that swilrs and isn't so tight-necked, maybe finally build that barbecue on the terrace...

Told David later, around midnight, when he asked me to put a new blank agenda page on our wiki. He was quite surprised, but took it in his stride. I think he'll find a way to get the best out of this situation. Though he did have a moment when he thought the worst has happened, when I said "we're going to have a change of". There was a brief "oh no, oh god", and the great sight of relief when I said "...continent and timezone". As long as I'm not changing jobs, it's all fine. And I'll be in the same timezone as the dutch office, which will actually help a lot.

Mentions: Byo (Byo), David Berton, Eleese Aquila (Eleese), Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian