Mandža (Slavoljub Mandić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A guy from one of the border villages, and from IV5pp. We never spent too much time together simply because he always had to catch a bus. Spent his career as a village doctor, in Trbnjevo and another village in the area, and in the end in his own.

Died by end of september 2022.

Mentions: 09-V-1972., 17-XI-1972., 11-II-1973., 23-III-1973., 16-IV-1973., 26-XII-1973., 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, january 1985., june 1989., 19-IX-1994., 13-XII-1997., 11-IX-2010., 15-IX-2012., 14-IX-2013., 10-IX-2016., 02-IX-2017., Good fish, 16-IX-2017., 15-IX-2018., 25-V-2019., 31-I-2020., 26-VII-2021., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 07-X-2022., IV5pp, Trbnjevo, in serbian