
All week everything on the run, or bad weather. One evening we postponed what we planned, and she even promised fair weather for next day. It rained. On sunday, 12th, took "Sgt Pepper" from Pop. Good are the Beatles, even five years after.

On thursday convened the class presidents for some meeting after classes. In the evening met Branka again. Horrible cold, froze like a butt. And just when we were about to split, we see her folks arriving, so we stood there in the dark for some while, to pretend we arrived without knowing when they did.

Wrote to Rudolf and Bruno that I may go visit them after vacation if they come visit me before.

Bad experience with the new historian girl. Sat on two more oversized meetings. Things are on the move. Did some drawing for oto in the afternoon, today got a two for it (ace is the bad, this is "sufficient").

Now I heard from mom about 23-V-1970. and how Tejka confessed to her that she was ready to be with me, had I only asked her that day. But I didn't even dance with her. Okay, checked the diaries, here, it says she claimed to be with Sarča at the time, so I dutifully sidestepped.

Been to the club in the afternoon, then at 18:20 she has one class more, again, so back to the club, it's not far, then to Dom for more negotiations with the deejay, then back to school by 19:10. Went to the movie, saw "Catch 22", in an incredible combination - two of us, Hazim with another girl from IV3, G.M.*, and Gavra with D.K.** also from IV3. The movie is nuts, another one that shows to Amers what they are and how they are, with a special view on the dilemma of one crazy among the normals vs one normal among all crazies, which is when. The crowd didn't like it much, but the house was chock full.

On sunday 19th I ran in all directions - first to Lazar, then to Zmaj, then with Bukac to Dom to deal with the deejay, where we sat with him in his cabin for hour and a half, recorded, erased, recorded, mess. And I forgot my coat in the club, so rush back when we finished, and košava blows straight through your head. We're on for monday.

In the afternoon tried to cram history and biology, but after seven lines I noticed I'm asleep. Arrived on korzo on time, and so did she. They've been to Belgrade, as they often do (perhaps getting raw materials), and they take good care to be back on time so she doesn't miss her date. Even the hosts say go go, don't let her unshaved guy wait. In the disco we mostly sat with Aćim and his girl. The girls mostly exchanged experiences, that one says that Aćim watches each movie by himself first, then they watch together, and he doesn't spoil the plot but keeps talking about what's badly done and how it should have been done. It's not easy to be a kinoamateur's girl. Then CD imposed himself on us for a while, then went to deejay's cabin and recited some poetry through the amps (still undecided whether he's a reporter or an actor). Reminded me of what Bilja said, "when will they start issuing eggs and tomatoes as snacks around here?".

And then I remembered I had some 3-3 DIN jacks in my pocket from Zmaj, so better leave that at the club, as if I forgot them there. She was reluctant, but I reminded her of how she said that the black garments are taken off after six weeks, and she did have a black sweater on. Someone left the shop window light on in the club, so I turned it off. We agreed to meet on tuesday.

On monday Sredljak and I get a two on history, to share. Luckily, it's a tentative, in her notebook only, not official in the logbook. The young one screws us worse than the old one did. Extracted a whole four on biology, some comfort. Met Branka between shifts, complained of my headache. Afternoon bought a winter shirt - some time ago I was offered one but just didn't think I'd need it, well, may still not be too late.

In Dom they set a little projection room on the stage of the comforter hall, walled by a curtain, set up the sound and everything, lined up the chairs, full setup. There was a mean rush while we brought everything, we kept forgetting stuff. The seats were all taken, we ran our movies. Played "Samba pa ti" by Santana for the kayak reel, forgot the rest. Had movies from other clubs too, even "Kings of andergraund" (underground) we saw in Sombor, specially good reception for the one with ass wiping (it's a cartoon). Even Paštaonda refused to play, said "we want to watch too".

On tuesday passed school somehow, came home with a headache and dived into reading "Iron heel" by Jack London. Fell asleep. My folks at Milivoje. Suddenly D.K. and Gavra arrive - she persuaded him to take a walk to šećerana to stretch his hooves. He prefers to stand in place for hours. Played Pepper for her, while he read the old Zabavniks, as usual. They left, I started writing homework for russian, and my folks notice I'm not okay. Look it's a temperature again. Hi there.

On wednesday at the dispensary they all meet me as old customer. The nurses aren't much, the nice ones work at the hospital. Met Mandža and Džok in their yard. Took to the meds, drank a pitcher and a half of lemonade daily. Slept, slept, listened to crazy radio shows, got halfway between reality and Iron heel, all confused.

Remotely, from bed, handled what I could. Hazim will replace me in Belgrade on some consultations on marxistic education. Sent Bilja the book (JLondon, finished that and expelled the visions from my head). Lazar dropped by, so I helped him with the next projection at Dom, due on thursday.

Friday and saturday (24th and 25th) passed as nothing, on sunday Branka comes, says no worry, she got, even two days earlier. Visiting hers postponed to 29th.

At the trimester I was somewhere in the middle, while Dragana and Tejka were almost excellent. True for the former, but the latter convinced the classmaster to skip reading all of her twos on the PTO. Trust the authorities now...

Gavra caught a flu a day after me. On monday I was bored, reminisced about summer, wrote letters to Inge, Melanija, and Regina in Köln.

Finally on 28th came back to school, for that one day. Feels very good to see them glad to see me. Gavra was collecting money for something, but I never saw the bottle. Now I'm due to up my marks with Marko Bozon, and NMN, and the historian girl... ouch.


* G.M. is of IV3, tall slim blackhaired. She later got married to yet another guy from the same class. They live in Canada, regularly come for big maturski, both dance like abnormal and still look great, verified in 25-V-2019.. When Hazim described icecream in a cone as a twofold sexual symbol, being licked on the outside first then on the inside, during ekskurzija this year, it was addressed to her. She blushed when she understood that everybody understood that she understood.

** D.K. was also in VIII2, but it's not the same D.K. as the one in 1970, just the initials coincide and this one wasn't involved in the events then. Incredible character, all nuts, wears jar glasses, attends musical school in parallel. Eventually graduated maths, lives in Australia. Also visits maturski, crazy as ever. Glasses are thinner, better materials now.

Mentions: 23-V-1970., 25-V-2019., Biljana Lajković (Bilja), Branka, Bruno Kessler, Dom omladine, Dragana Vitas (Dragana), ekskurzija, Gavrilo Taroški (Gavra), Gradivoj Buković (Bukac), Gradivoj Sarčević (Sarča), Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Hazim Jabučin, Inge Hertmann (Inge), IV3, korzo, košava, Lazar Josin, Marko Damjanov (Marko Bozon), Marko Popović (Pop), maturski parastos, Melanija Tisarević, Milan Šebrcan (Aćim), Milivoje Stojanović, OTO, Rudolf Ochsner, Sima Veljin (Džok), Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Slavoljub Mandić (Mandža), šećerana, VIII2, Zmaj, in serbian