
Full house. In the morning with Aćim in DC-99, made prints for the freckled Mića the Russian. Went to Dom to Pa šta onda rehearsal, to talk about making a movie about them (so they weren't kicked out?). The organist is a swell guy, keeps chewing with his lips while he plays. During a break caught him playing introductory chords to "Jedna žena". Wow, that would be great if they played that one. The place has the incredible smell of yesterday's smoke, unreproducible beyond such places. I don't smoke and this feels good. Scheduled the shoot for tuesday.

In the afternoon Teja with hers comes. Of all the relatives I can least stand them, mostly because of the uncle (he's still not set right), and now as their daughters are growing, they strictly keep them away from anything bad, specially ugly words... um, yeah, both teachers. And then they slip and bring them here to get spoiled. In the middle of that ruckus uncle Staja comes with a friend, to start making the cabinet to put my lab inside and the TV on top, so it wouldn't be in my room anymore. On top of everything Dženk comes and the girls just stare, can barely follow what we talk, half english half untraceable allusions, actually even normals wouldn't get half of it. They left soon, and he stayed until 18:10 so I didn't have the time to shave.

(... 89 words...)

We got the tickets - early birds grab the rear row - went to Prleski to have baklava and boza. The movie was "Love messenger" by, I'd say, Kubrick, boring and stretched and... who'd follow the plot. (... 52 words...)

Monday 26th was the day when it was my turn to be the orderly (not with Sredljak, I got the odd number in the logbook, so must be whoever was next). Chalk board sponge. Vanji, Eči and Kid said they'll feast today, everyone bring something. They had pickles, yogurt and a banana.

(... 5 words...) more often in spring, when she can ride the bike. Well everything will be easier then, when it becomes green.

On tuesday (... 13 words...) ŽGLJ was correcting grammar in the resolution from the fifty someth session of the central committee, and NMN was eating čvarci. In the municipal committee of youth org, they complain that I'm not attending their meetings. Well find someone healthier. Also, school director isn't satisfied... Well screw that, one can spit blood to achieve something and still be blamed for everything in the end. Find someone else or try with an easier question.

On wednesday (28th) I began sorting out the materials for the show. Namely, when we left on saturday the message "see you on thursday" to Sonja, it was met by the fourth two of the Second as a message to them, to which they replied "better meet us on wednesday, we wait until 13:30, do figure out the eighth of march". And now what to do, but quickly assemble the collection of outbursts and build a programme from that. After school straight to Trpeza, two juices, green peas with a steak, two forks, two knives. Then they won't let her pass without a zero bill, back to the counter to get one, back to the register with it, but by now it's crowded, the movie is next door and they show "Godfather" today. I tell the cashier "if we're late to theater because of this, sin on your soul". Did I scare her. Strange how green peas can taste sweetly.

This zero bill thing was probably how they imagined to count, as a restaurant of social nutrition, how they fulfull their task - so the stock sold is the amount served, but one bill per person, so we know how many people were fed. It was quite cheap, I'd say slightly above the cost price, with ingredients tax free.

Arrived on time, everything fine, sat awkwardly but next to her. The play was "Talents and admirers", text quite moderate even for the times when it was written, bot the troupe was great. After intermission we moved to front row in the parter, the view from the lodge was quite bad. These front rows are usually occupied by travelers, whose last bus leaves at 22 and the show ends at 22:30(... 26 words...).

On the way back met that yellow guy who tried with my ex, asked him how did it go. Said she wouldn't budge, on account of me. Crazy she is... and I did talk with Tejka about that, and the short of it is that it quickly became boring, everything on repeat, the phrases, the witticisms, the whole book one has read end to end and it's time to return to library, there's no new text inside.

(... 50 words...)... one smile which rinses a whole shitty week.

On thursday (1st of march) Miljka came to record the Zeppelins and Deep Purple (Dip Parpl, our spelling, came out as Dip Pokpe in some news paper, along with Trske, the reeds, instead of Ti Reks). Then went to the singer of Pa šta onda, but he went to sign a contract with viša. Came home and collated more of those outburst notes, for the eight-of-march programme. (... 111 word...)

On sunday the fourth, first went to DC-99 then to Dom (Pa šta onda weren't rehearsing, Omege were), filmed some show for the soldiers, then a meeting of radio club, then sat in Zmaj at a closed projection of some movie about a boxing tournament. In the afternoon moved the laboratory into the new cabinet, and saw the TV leave my room. Put the record player in its place, so I can maneuver the records easier.

We met a bit earlier, she was looking magnificent. We took tickets for Dom a bit too early, they still weren't open(... 101 word...). I escorted her, and on the way back, after just two corners, there goes Kale. I see him less than once a year, even though we're first neighbors, and now we have girlfriends in the same street. His voice is still jumping an octave at random, because of the wrestling, the muscles do something to his vocal chords.

Mentions: 29-XI-1973., čvarci, David Jamaček (Kale), DC-99, Dom omladine, Endre Felbab (Eči), Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Milan Šebrcan (Aćim), Prleski, Slavica Tejin (Tejka), Smiljka Grajin (Miljka), Sonja Savković, Trpeza, uncle Staja, Vesela Senić (Teja), Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), viša tehnička, yogurt, Zmaj, Zoltan Kadar (Kid), Živorad G Ljubišić (ŽGLJ), in serbian