
On this day practically no code, except of one routine in general ledger, which has a bit generated by upitig2.prg v5.1... But then there was the „alienation“ form in assets for Ledinje generated two days ago. The is alienation was the funny euphemism for sale, for whichever reason. Previously, it was an euphemism for theft. Go figure.

About this time we were listening to the local radio, because it was the best. The new local government shooed away the SPS cadre and put a younger team in charge. They were, of course, eager to show themselves and the results were visible immediately - there were not only different news, without SPSian lacquer, but there was also a bit of BBC news service (in serbian), and later at night they had better music shows. Not that I'd want to have anything with the current crop of music, but the general feel was much better. Even the music opening the news was better - „hole lotta luv“ performed by Alexis Korner and his double band.

I had good fun with Nina these days. On sunday evenings, Kremer and Janjatović* are guests on this radio, and then around 21:00 in the afternoon, when they finish, they run three more hours of jazz. The show is deejayed by one Coka [tsoka], with quite a decent atnosphere**... actually, this was the first time that I liked a jazz show for its atmosphere, because everything before (including "all that jazz" and whatever was the name of the parallel universe on studio bee), was 'to the evil god' (actual saying) serious.

Okay maybe I exaggerate, but the whole thing was set up as if jazz was some academic music etc. I'm not saying that it can't be that, but these guys came just as an ace on 0x0000000b [as they say in tablić], the show was good fun, with real good feel, and they played a much more... merrier jazz than the others do. It was the so-called acid jazz. Which was, IMO, the worst bullshit ever, it would consist of a random five second clip, or shorter, repeated ad nauseam. But it was popular those months.

Two weeks ago they realized that they're on for some three-four weeks and the guy said „well no, can't go like this, our show has no name... so give us suggestions, and then we'll organize a ballot, and zelenozvono promised a pizza for two to the winner“.

I described the evnt to oldwave thus:

Е сад упада (средња ми ћера, седми разред), буди се у једном тренутку из свог трипа, све лежећи на каучу (тј Симповом троседу), (тренутно је на Карлу Мају, чита га целе зиме, ово је ваљда седамнаеста ствар од њега што је тог тренутка читала) и каже "џезва".

And now jumps in (our middle dawtr, seventh grade), waking at some point from her trip, lying on the couch all the time (i.e. Simpo's threeseater), (presently on Karl May, reading it all winter, this is about the seventeenth thing by him that she was reading at the moment) and says „džezva“***

А? [huh?]

I say, the show could be called „Džezva“

I dialed, got them, passed the suggestion on, the girl there just leaked one dose of base oil (didn't cover the phone well, „Hey, Coka, hear this, this is genious“)... etc. This happened two sundays ago, and last (on ninth, yes) they collected the votes... obviously the team liked this, they rooted for it. Don't know how much setting up did they do, may have been telling their friends to vote. They even called us, asked how many of us are in the house, okay, that's five votes... And last night Nina took me to that pizza on sponsor's treat :).

That is, I took the trabant and drove Nina to that pizza. Not to zelenozvono in the theatre, but to the other one, in the other epicentre of the night life. In daylight, though.

Škrba comments: „Dad's daughters... the oldest one took you to a Stones concert, the middle baptizes jazz shows... What will the little one do? Sing in Pink Floyd? Force Brega to gather Bijelo Dugme??? (((:“ [much simpler... v. 01-VIII-2009.; meanwhile, "Daddy, where is that see dee moo?" (Atom heart mother) Sits, puts on headset, hits the solitaire and enjoys. Five years soon :)]


* two doyens of Belgrade rock publishing and radio

** fake overcorrection, which we did for kicks. Comes from 'it's not a bombona, it's a bonbona' (hard candy) and perhaps two more such cases, hence not bomb but bonb, punp etc.

*** the small copper vessel with long enough handle, used for making turkish coffee, normally fits just one cup

Mentions: 01-VIII-2009., assets app, Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Ledinje, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), oldwave, tablić, trabant, upitig2.prg, zelenoZvono, in serbian

22-I-2023 - 25-VI-2024